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I'm not here to flex on who has driven and experienced more Hondas, but I've got you beat on ownership experience and time behind wheels or ontop of seat of various Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans, etc, (the list can go on for very long) given my profession and lifestyle. I can sit here and beat the dead horse on how the new NSX resembles the old and how it doesn't. I've done an extensive study personally and publicly. If you or other diehard NSX/Honda fans don't see it, then so be it. I see what I see and others see what they see. The fact is the new designers respected the old design and paid plenty of homages to it. They've all gone on the record and said it.

And the truth is design is art and it's never going to be universal like science is which is essentially irrefutable once proven. There is no song or painting that everyone likes and the closest ones are consider "pop" and cars like the NSX do not fit in that category. It's no wonder Honda is not giving special treatment to current NSX owners -the majority of them seem to expect a $60K car that looks like a $200-300K Ferrari/Lambo and expects it to mop the floor with them.

Most of the criticism that I've seen are more from old school Honda fans that have bad taste in their mouth from recent turnouts instead of actual quantified logic as to why they don't like it. I'm just telling you to show the picture to random people and ask them which one they like better. That can be quantified and it will show that the new NSX will garner more votes.

I'm not squashing your criticism. I respected your opinion before, tried to reason/debate with you logically, and I've never tried to insult you. I didn't tell you to get lost -others like SilverSebring did. If you take it personal, than that's your problem, not mine. I'm just telling you to be more constructive with your posts instead ranting on and on about how you dislike it. You know the guy at the party that's a debbie-downer -Look in the reflection of the screen you are viewing right now.

- - - Updated - - -

You have to admit that if you try to photograph the first gen NSX upclose or pretty much any car, it looks funny and distorted. I think cars in motion from far away coming up closer to the eye to the way to properly experience the form.
