Acura....why don't you have SRS airbags available for the NSX? Car down...NO ETA??

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
Well, as some of you know, I have been working to help get a "wounded" Zanardi NSX back on the road after an unfortunate incident last year. Well, the bodywork is almost done, and we have been calling the Acura dealer weekly since late January or early February trying to source replacement airbags. All we are told is that they are on back order with no ETA. Same story in March....and April....and May. Now the car is almost done and ready to drive home, and I still sit here with no ETA on back ordered airbags, and no really good reason why. I mean, this is not a minor part. This is a major safety item. Does anyone know what is going on, or have access to the airbags for a 1999 NSX?

Any help is appreciated. I am just really mind boggled that Acura does not have any of these parts, or even an ETA when they will. I cannot be the only person looking for one? :confused:

The Zanardi wants to come home!! :)
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It sounds like this is a specialty law for NY as described in your Zanardi build thread. If that's the case, why can't you finish up 99.9% of the work at the NY shop, then transfer it to another shop for completion with a used airbag?
This is not the fault of Honda/Acura as their airbag supplier, Takata, has declared bankruptcy

You will have to presume that the airbags will no longer be available from the dealer. Which is the repair requirement for a NY registered vehicle.

Have the car shipped to another state for completion with salvaged parts. The car may have to be titled in that state and then titled back into NY. The use tax is going to hurt, but it can be done.
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Based on my experience "on back order with no ETA" is code for the item is no longer available within the worldwide supply chain. Even if you could find one most shipping companies will not ship it as it contains hazardous materials (explosives).

I think the suggestions of completing the interior build (with salvaged parts) in another state with less restrictive laws might be your best solution.
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It sounds like this is a specialty law for NY as described in your Zanardi build thread. If that's the case, why can't you finish up 99.9% of the work at the NY shop, then transfer it to another shop for completion with a used airbag?

I don't trust people selling used parts when it comes to safety items, unless I have a personal relationship with them. Too many horror stories.
I think the current air bags have a better safety profile ( when deployed) than 20 y/o replacements....SUCKS THAT TO GET ONE SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TO CONVINCE A MANUFACTURER TO RETROFIT. all caps because it is depressing to see how hard it is to get quality parts.
I don't trust people selling used parts when it comes to safety items, unless I have a personal relationship with them. Too many horror stories.

I understand. We each have to make our own decisions when it comes down to personal safety.

It amazes me how many people remove their OEM steering wheels in favor of non-airbag aftermarket wheels on street cars. Even if our old ones are full-force and there is a 50% chance they even work based on electronics age, I would still personally rather have the airbag. Just my opinion.

Well, I hope you get to enjoy the car soon!
It amazes me how many people remove their OEM steering wheels in favor of non-airbag aftermarket wheels on street cars. Even if our old ones are full-force and there is a 50% chance they even work based on electronics age, I would still personally rather have the airbag. Just my opinion.

A few years ago I posted a university study that showed that older airbag systems failed to provide a statistically significant reduction in automotive death rates. Additionally old airbag systems are far more likely to injure you (e.g. sever a finger) than save your life. Even advocates of modern airbag systems (which the NSX lacks) estimate they only provide a 10% to 15% reduction in fatalities. Thus there's really no reason to believe that an NSX without airbags is significantly less safe.
I am just really mind boggled that Acura does not have any of these parts, or even an ETA when they will. I cannot be the only person looking for one? :confused:

I recommend you check to see if the parts are available from Honda dealers in Japan. 90% of the time that US Acura dealers have told me that a part is discontinued I have been able to order it from Japan.

It is possible to ship airbags overseas but the the shipping cost will likely be very high.
A few years ago I posted a university study that showed that older airbag systems failed to provide a statistically significant reduction in automotive death rates. Additionally old airbag systems are far more likely to injure you (e.g. sever a finger) than save your life. Even advocates of modern airbag systems (which the NSX lacks) estimate they only provide a 10% to 15% reduction in fatalities. Thus there's really no reason to believe that an NSX without airbags is significantly less safe.

Please post a link to the study. I'd love to read it. Seems interesting and concerning given the age of our cars.
I recommend you check to see if the parts are available from Honda dealers in Japan. 90% of the time that US Acura dealers have told me that a part is discontinued I have been able to order it from Japan.

It is possible to ship airbags overseas but the the shipping cost will likely be very high.

Good idea. I wonder if there is any way to verify that it is going to be an EXACT match? The last thing I want is to spend around $2,000 for one and find out that some little difference makes it not work correctly, or trigger an SRS light.
It is possible to ship airbags overseas but the the shipping cost will likely be very high.

I would double check that. Based on what I have researched, most shippers (i.e. FedEx, UPS, USPS, Japan Post EMS, etc.) will not ship an airbag as it is considered hazardous material. The explosive material in the assembly is what concerns them.

Not sure how concerned you are about not having an airbag on the passenger's side. If you can find a used one that has been disabled (assuming the cover is still intact and the outward appearance is untouched) that might be the way to go.

I wonder if there is any way to verify that it is going to be an EXACT match?

You definitely won't find an EXACT match with regards to the material. The dash vinyl and the airbag vinyl are different grains and finishes. Electrical wise - if it is for a 1999 MY you should be OK.
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