Acura NSX to enter the 2016 superbowl and also deut

4 December 2011
The new, production NSX supercar will debut during the commercial.

anybody knows what this mean? As in will the NSX start production during the commercial? Which is on Febuary.

the link:
When is the actual date where customers can have the new NSX in their driveway?

Acura said it is going to be spring 2016. When exactly?
for example: if one customer located in california, and he/she place an order on Feb 25,2016 where Acura will be accepting customer's order, when exactly that customer will receive their NSX in their driveway?

anybody knows?

thank you for your time reading and respond
Anybody tried contacting your dealer? Isnt it weird to order and the car is made not after the order directly but wait for two months to put it in the assembly line?
Anybody tried contacting your dealer? Isnt it weird to order and the car is made not after the order directly but wait for two months to put it in the assembly line?

The factory is going to make say five cars per day.
If 500 cars are sold before your order is received then you'll have to wait about 100 working days ( 3+ months) before your car would be built.
You don't expect instant delivery do you?
I think the first 100 or so cars will go to those who checked off the "white" category for their owner demographic......those who checked "other' may have to wait a year:tongue:
The factory is going to make say five cars per day.
If 500 cars are sold before your order is received then you'll have to wait about 100 working days ( 3+ months) before your car would be built.
You don't expect instant delivery do you?

Let me clarify, what I meant is that the first, really the first customer who placed an order, then they will probably wait for only probably like a week right? Not neccessary until April or even May? Correct me if I am wrong
Let me clarify, what I meant is that the first, really the first customer who placed an order, then they will probably wait for only probably like a week right? Not neccessary until April or even May? Correct me if I am wrong

I'm not sure what you're asking.

Are you asking how long it takes for the first NSX to be manufactured after the first order is received?
Are you asking when the first production NSX will be shipped?

No one knows the answers to these questions.
We'll just have to wait until the winner of 001 finally gets his/her car delivered. Still too early to know how cars are going to be allocated. Sent an email to my dealer, no info yet but she will be talking to an Acura rep in February, at which point she will hopefully have more info.
I think the first 100 or so cars will go to those who checked off the "white" category for their owner demographic......those who checked "other' may have to wait a year:tongue:

Amazing. docjohn you are my hero with the real talk....

Anyway, a dude at Acura Fremont claimed they are expecting to get cars around June.
I dont know if this make sense but why are they saying that the order start on Feb 25 but the delivery starts on April?

Who are "they?" Do you have a source? Since as far as I know, there has been nothing official apart from orders being accepted starting Feb. 25. Everything else seems to be hearsay.
Who are "they?" Do you have a source? Since as far as I know, there has been nothing official apart from orders being accepted starting Feb. 25. Everything else seems to be hearsay.

What I meant is "they" is Acura. I am just guessing since they say Spring 2016 means it will be between end of March to June. The thing is why they would take orders on Feb but Delivered it for their first customer in spring?
What I meant is "they" is Acura. I am just guessing since they say Spring 2016 means it will be between end of March to June. The thing is why they would take orders on Feb but Delivered it for their first customer in spring?

Again, you keep saying "they" but don't give a source. "They say Spring 2016" Really? Where do "they" say that? The last press release made no mention of when delivery of the cars are to begin.
And that is a very vague statement that still doesn't state when deliveries begin. That is similar to stating that deliveries will start sometime after Feb. 25.
And that is a very vague statement that still doesn't state when deliveries begin. That is similar to stating that deliveries will start sometime after Feb. 25.

Is there no other way to know? I emailed Acura and they wouldnt tell me the answer, their answer is only that the dealer is the one to contact. Dealer that I contacted did not reply my email. This is why I am asking, hoping that anyone knows and would tell me something about this.
I dont know if this make sense but why are they saying that the order start on Feb 25 but the delivery starts on April?

Steven you seem to be having trouble understanding the manufacturing process.
Perhaps I can explain some of the variables.

Honda begins accepting orders Feb 25. from all markets.
Confirmed orders start coming in.
After say a month or six weeks they will accumulate a start-up order file
Orders then need to be sorted by Country of destination due to different requirements for each country, LHD, RHD, Honda badged, Acura badged, color, options etc.
Then the factory will set up a manufacturing schedule. Presumably they will organize by country and climate. i.e. no point shipping to Canada in the winter.
I'd assume they would want a reasonable number of each country category as each country has different labels, language etc. No point setting up to make one RHD red for HK, then changing to one LHD blue for Canada etc.
Once that's all sorted out they would start manufacturing.
All this takes time to make sure they have all the parts, labels, options for each specific market.

From my manufacturing experience it might take three months to get organized before the first cars roll out so it would be reasonable to look at shipments starting in May/June.
Steven you seem to be having trouble understanding the manufacturing process.
Perhaps I can explain some of the variables.

Honda begins accepting orders Feb 25. from all markets.
Confirmed orders start coming in.
After say a month or six weeks they will accumulate a start-up order file
Orders then need to be sorted by Country of destination due to different requirements for each country, LHD, RHD, Honda badged, Acura badged, color, options etc.
Then the factory will set up a manufacturing schedule. Presumably they will organize by country and climate. i.e. no point shipping to Canada in the winter.
I'd assume they would want a reasonable number of each country category as each country has different labels, language etc. No point setting up to make one RHD red for HK, then changing to one LHD blue for Canada etc.
Once that's all sorted out they would start manufacturing.
All this takes time to make sure they have all the parts, labels, options for each specific market.

From my manufacturing experience it might take three months to get organized before the first cars roll out so it would be reasonable to look at shipments starting in May/June.

Right. I understand it now. Thank you
Steven you seem to be having trouble understanding the manufacturing process.
Perhaps I can explain some of the variables.

Honda begins accepting orders Feb 25. from all markets.
Confirmed orders start coming in.
After say a month or six weeks they will accumulate a start-up order file
Orders then need to be sorted by Country of destination due to different requirements for each country, LHD, RHD, Honda badged, Acura badged, color, options etc.
Then the factory will set up a manufacturing schedule. Presumably they will organize by country and climate. i.e. no point shipping to Canada in the winter.
I'd assume they would want a reasonable number of each country category as each country has different labels, language etc. No point setting up to make one RHD red for HK, then changing to one LHD blue for Canada etc.
Once that's all sorted out they would start manufacturing.
All this takes time to make sure they have all the parts, labels, options for each specific market.

From my manufacturing experience it might take three months to get organized before the first cars roll out so it would be reasonable to look at shipments starting in May/June.
Why is your sexy black girl displayed in a sales room window? Did you sell it? Sorry, off topic...
Why is your sexy black girl displayed in a sales room window? Did you sell it? Sorry, off topic...

It was at the dealer for some maintenance.
That's not the showroom, it's the indoor service dept. parking.
A brand new facility, very posh.
I thought my Japanese brunette was looking good for 25 years old and I took some pics. :smile: