Acura High Performance Course at Mid-Ohio

Chin Motor Sports will be at Mid-Ohio on May 28-29 (monday-tuesday). You can sign up by going to
And if you're really a glutton, you can also sign up for the event the previous weekend with Northern Ohio Chapter BMW CCA, so you can spend four consecutive days on the most fun and challenging racetrack in the country!

The NSX Club of America will be at Mid-Ohio October 8-9, however you must be a member to attend. You can join by going to
This school, which is a great opportunity for everyone from beginners to track junkies, is part of NSXPO 2007, the annual national event of the club. There will be lots of social activities the previous weekend. We expect over 100 NSXs and their owners to be there!
Yeah, the NSXCA day would be great, but I've got a buddy who wants to meet me out there who would end up "renting" a car.
I was supposed to go with Acura but it never materialized. Seems like fun:wink:
I'll be attending the NASA HPDE event on 4/21 weekend (my first track experience). It's supposed to be 4-20 minute sessions per day (2-day event) with an instructor and costs $330.

Seems like the Acura HP driving school may be good for gaining alot of technical driving experience and theory. I'm told the HPDE event will also have some classroom type sessions in between the runs.

As far as which one is a better value I'm not sure, but for half the cost you could probably easily give the NASA event a try.

I'd like to know how the Acura HP school goes if you do end up attending.

Awesome, look forward to seeing more NSX's there.

What color is yours?
Has anyone done this? What was your experience? Is it worth the $625?

I checked out the website, but it doesn't really provide much:

Most of the discussion on this topic seems related to cost and/or alternate approaches. Maybe this will address your actual question.

I took the course in 2002. It was my first time on a track anywhere and it was money well spent. I have been to numerous events since and the instructors, while knowledgeable and always helpful, did not have the intimate knowledge of the track that the Mid-OH instructors have.

HOWEVER, after five years of tracking my NSX, I think taking this course again would be a really great idea. The problem, if you have never been on a track before, is information overload. They are throwing so much really useful stuff at you that you miss a lot and much of it has no real context. With some experience you will get a lot more out of it. However, if you have picked up bad habits, you may have trouble unlearning them.

Now, when I first decided to do this, I weighed the pros and cons of paying the money for professional instruction and just attending HPDE events. The feedback I got was that HPDE instruction was too variable. Those who got good, knowledgeable instructors learned a lot. Those who didn't, didn't. And there was no way to really know at the time. You run the same risk at the Mid-OH school, but it isn't as great.

Learning to drive is a lot like learning to play golf. You can learn a lot on your own by reading and trial-and-error. You can get knowledgeable friends to teach you. You can hire a professional. Your odds are better (not certain, but better) with the professional.

BTW, I took my NSX to the school. It is a great track car but suffers a lot on some of the auto-cross-like exercises. OTOH, it is rear drive/mid-engine; the school cars are front drive Acuras and Hondas. If you plan to track your NSX, you are probably better off learning in it.
I've done two track days with Ferrari of Washington. You get an instructor, and they are pretty good, I just don't get the feeling that they really provide more help than "turn here, excellerate, brake...brake...BRAKE!!!, turn."

I think I may give it a shot.