Acura Advanced Sports Car

28 January 2005
Northern Mi.
Just returned a few days ago from my yearly visit to Detroit, for the Auto Show. The Acura was one of the cars I was interested in seeing. I think it was much better looking in the flesh than the pictures suggest, not as large, and puffed up, like all new cars seem to be, IMO. It lookied pretty close in length to the NSX, and the more I looked it over, the nicer it seemed; very tight rear end, long front, with sweeping edge lines almost as if it was in a wind tunnel, with smoke streaming by. Bottom line 'tho, not close to the "right" lines our baby own's. Anyone else view it? Tom
I was at the Auto Show yesterday. In person, it is just as hideous as it is in the photos. I can't believe how disappointing it is. I was hoping there would be someone from Acura I could vent to but they were nowhere to be found. Compared to Lexus LF-A and the Audi R8, the ASCC looks some kind of UFO. I am so frustrated with Acura I could just spit nails.:mad: