Acne and Accutane or Blue Light Treatment

8 April 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
Has anyone dealt with adult acne with Accutane or other methods?
A Blue U, Smoothbeam, PDT or Candela is an alternate I have heard of where its like a Suntan bed bulb set up.
I heard Accutane is harsh and might provide Kidney Problems in some.
I get small break outs when I workout at the gym and since I want to be there everyday, this is a problem. Maybe I should sit at home and get fatter!
It drives me nuts because I take 2 to 3 showers a day
Any help would be appreciated!
The accutane would be covered free of charge with my work but the others would cost lets say 55 us dollars for 4 sessions for the year and two of those would require an addition 110 us dollars for some extra add ins.
My old roommate tried Accutane because her acne was really bad. It began to work, however I'm not sure if she stopped treatment because her acne eventually came back, but it was not as bad.
I had roomate that had severe acne and used accutane. He had constant nosebleeds. On 2 occasions he had to get them cauderized sp? at the hospital to stop the bleeding. It did help his acne and final step would be derm abrasion (which he did not do). He thinks it was worth it.
Thanks for the info!

opps, It should be its hard on the liver!
Thanks for the info. It seems its what to use if you have it bad from what im reading. I guess I can try it for a little and stop if I have any problems. I've heard of dry skin and like lips. I hate dry lips!
I'll check it out tomorrow with the Derm.....
I took accutane when i was a teenager. I think i took it for about 4-6 months and it got rid off all my acne. It took about 3 years before i started getting acne again but its not nearly as bad now. I had to go for monthly blood tests to make sure everything was good in that respect. I did talk to a guy recently on the edmonton for sale newsgroup of all places and he swears that he is having complications from accutane that he took as a teen. I will try to dig up what he said and post it if i still have the emails.

Hope this helps a bit.

here is our conversation.

what kind of problems are you having from accutane. I took it about 8 years ago and was just curious what i might be in for.

Small cysts. Mainly ear-lobes. Painful.

Occasionally other facial areas.

I took Accutane for 1 year - about 20 years ago. It was still
considered experimental at the time.

Hopefully, you can skip this. Different people and all that.

I find it irritating, but who knows? Cancer in a few years?

Just curious but how do you know the cysts are caused by the accutane and not
something else? I do not remember anything like that to be one of the side
effects of the drug. I think I was on accutane for 4-6 months but couldnt
recall exactly. I do remember having to go for blood tests monthly to make
sure things were ok.

I never had cysts in my life. No one in my family has ever had cysts
before. No history of it.

When I went to the doctor, I told him my suspicions and he agreed.

Funny, no blood tests when I was on it.

If you are interested in talking to him further I can forward you his email address.

I've taken accutane at age 25 last summer. It worked like a charm. I expect some acne to return, but I use benzol peroxide a couple times a week and that keeps it under control. If you have cystic acne, I highly reccommend Accutane.
Thanks everyone!

Thanks peoples!
I wonder if that Benzol Peroxide would work in the NSX?
Sounds fast!
Just leaving for the Doc's. Its going to be a hard decision on what to do. No alcohol! No tanning beds!
I did Accutane in college (i'm 28 now) when I was 18/19. I had nasty nosebleeds and I finally had to take 20mg less I think to just have a normal day ( believe I was at 60mg). Knowing what I know now I wish I stuck out the full dosage I was given by my doc back then because I never fully got rid of it. Still it's almost ten years later and I only occasionally get a breakout. I don't get much, most are from ingrown whiskers once you look close enough. I used to have my entire forehead, nose, jaw line completely messed up, but not anymore.

The only other thing I'd look into is Proactive, seems like a tv con-job but there's some big celebrities with their names on the line. I dunno, might be worth checking out.
Started today!

Started 40 mg today. Will monitor it closely!
Let you know how it goes!
Thanks to all!
re: Accutane

I've taken Accutane about 5 years ago, for about 5 months.

It did work wonders for my acne problems, but I recall having, like others say, nosebleed at anytime without warnings.

Since your acne problem isn't that severe, I don't think Accutane is really needed, but I don't have MD .. haha, that's probably why your doctor only prescribes 40mg. I took 60mg( my weight then 60kg, my doc said it was relevant).

FYI, though, you might experience mild joint problems, (I did) along with very dry skin and lip.
hope it works out for ya, fellow canadian!!

Vasoline? How is the coke going to be absorbed then?
I guess we are going month by month here, 4 to 6 months was suggested. We will have to see I guess each month.
I weight currently a light 226 pounds @ 5' 11.5".
Thanks once againski
Re: vasoline?

ffffanman said:
Vasoline? How is the coke going to be absorbed then?

Think about free-basing it, if that doesn't work.... you could switch over to crack and smoke that.

What a sacrifice just to get rid of a few pimples:D
If you are looking for a good deal on BP, you just check out this site. The guy Dan that runs their forum, started selling a high quality BP that is highly affordable especially compared to Neutrogena. I have bought a couple of his tubes and plan to buy more in the future.

He has a regimen that he recommends and many people have had much succuess.
Day 7 update!

Well its day 7 of taking the Accutane.
A little dry skin feel.
A little sensitive to intense midday sunlight.
Dry lips.
Dry eyes.
I've had 3 drinks total. just because!
Thats it!
No ill effects. Yet!
No drastic changes in condition.
Any past sores from vegas & suntan oils just drying up.
Trev - on my way to becoming a SWAN!