accusump help asap

15 October 2002
West Vancouver
Changing oil in car right now and I'm unsure if my accusump is accepting oil. A couple weeks ago it was under pressure, so I pumped it to 65.

It does not appear to be taking up any oil with the electronic valve on but I'm afraid it may, and then I'm under oil.

If the pump reads 65 and its empty, will it continue to not accept oil?

How do I get it working again?
When the accusump is empty you should put around 8psi into it.

You need a little pressure so it will empty out.
65psi is to much pressure.

The clamps that hold the accusump need to be placed at the ends not in the center of the accusump. It is possible to crimp the boar and the piston wont travel past the crimp.

My original canton electric valve went out. I am now using a Moroso valve that works well.

Hope this helps
Good and timely thread. I need to change out the oil in my car and Accusump this weekend.

Please let us know how the process goes.
Seems to be working fine again.

It loads to 60 psi under pressure. Seems to hold that if I keep the valve closed under lower pressure (idle). Dumps oil when I turn valve on. Refills under pressure again.

Levels fine when it reads as full (60psi).