ac refrigerant

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
I need to replace a leaky ac drier/reciever. I went to a shop to discuss the process of refrigerant exchange and the mechanic indicated that he has to change the freon from the R12 type to the newer one ( R134?).

My q is--is this necessary and would this entail more than just exchanging the freon? For e.g., would any parts from the ac system need to be changed/upgraded?
R-12 is no longer used. It is proper to change the reciever/dryer to update the system. You should be fine with that replaced and a recharge of R134.

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I'll disagree with Larry slightly:

R-12 is not made since about 1993, but it is still sold and used.

Plenty of it still around and you recharge it with R-12 if you find the right shop.

R-134a is much better on the environment, R-12 has a slightly better cooling ability.


I probably have 20-30 cans...getting to be worth less and less as the market for R-12 is really shrinking. Plenty on Ebay I'm sure.
My freon all leaked out this winter and my local shop replaced with R-134a. I was a little worried, but the TSB from Honda doesn't indicate anything more is necessary.

Of course, I'll know more over the summer :)
Honda makes a kit with various fittings and such that should be replaced when you convert from R-12 to R-134a. It costs about $60 and the part number is 38020-SM4-A1AH.
When I replaced my evaporator last year, I changed to 134. A friend in the business sold me a generic drier for $10 and the 134 fittings for free.........
So far, the 134 seems no different.