Absolutely hilarious call to a talk radio program on getting out of speeding tickets

What a mullet head! He's got a Sweeet IROC that will "outrun any cop crapbox" out there! Pulls over as a favor to the cops!

Never knew that the stealth bombers were waxed daily (wonder if they use Zaino)....
My mama used to always say, "People aren't born stupid. They're made stupid."

All I can say is "WOW".

Try upgrading your Windows Media player to the latest version if you don't have it already. That may fix your problem.
Funny, but fake. The guy 'interviewing' is the same guy being 'interviewed'.

-- Chris


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Originally posted by ScienceofSpeed:
Funny, but fake. The guy 'interviewing' is the same guy being 'interviewed'.

-- Chris

What makes you think so? I seriously doubt it. The way his voice shakes and cracks, the stumbles, the timing, I just don't think he's the same guy. If it's real, he is incredibly stupid. If it’s really the same guy, he deserves an award for the greatest performance ever.
"Uh...dude...I rev up to 6000 when the cop walks up to my car...and he craps his pants..."


Fake or not that clip is hilarious. Oh my god I've never laughed so hard. Just listening to the guy talk makes me laugh. LOL...so hilarious, thanks for posting Lud =) Man some people in this world are so full of bull****. The guy should be a posterchild for the stereotypical jock-with-a-big-ego.

Dumbguy: "Do you have a chain steering wheel?"

Caller: "No."

Phil: "Wait...a chain steering wheel doesn't make your car faster."

Dumbguy: "Uh..uh...yea it does."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god the more I listen the more I crack up.

One way to know that the dumb IROC guy is bull****ing about the radar thing is this. A radar doesn't shoot in a straight line like a laser does. A cop uses a radar by pointing at a group of cars that looks like they're speeding. Then the cop picks out the unlucky speeder of his choice and slaps him with the speed that he clocked. Hence the myth that yellow or out-of-the-ordinary color cars are more prone to speeding tickets. I.E. if a car points his radar at a group of 5 cars, 4 being gray Accords and 1 being yellow the yellow one is most likely to get pulled over even though the radar might have clocked a gray Accord's speed.

[This message has been edited by skim83 (edited 22 October 2001).]
It says I have the lasted updated version of Windows Media Player. What are you guys using to linsten to this file? I have all the programs so I will just choose another and try that
Let's just say I got a 70 in a 50 in my local town along the coast, and got off with a warning...supposedly for my out of state plates. The officer didn't even run my license or registration, just glanced at them and told me to slow down. This wasn't in a NSX, but a convertible eclipse turbo.

I say woohoo!
This is so funny. I've never heard so much BS. I don't think there's a word to describe this guy. I guess I'll never get caught with radar with my wax job. I wonder if laser won't work either???

At first I thought maybe it was Chong. Then later this guy comes on sounding like Cheech. I actually think the first idiot is for real. Then I think some one at the radio station decided to screw with him.

Chris if it wasn't faked god help those driving in LA if they're around an IROC with some guy who's got tattos and a pack of Marlboro's on the dash. Oh shit! I just realized there's more than one of them in LA. Maybe that's why the cops in LA are targeting IROCs!


Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 23 October 2001).]
"Radar bounces off my car cause its shiny and clean"

"I know they wax the stealth bomber every day"

"I tell the cop im nobody to mess with"

"Im pulled over as a favor to them, i don't have to pull over"

"Cops are jealous of my sweet ride ... its a targa"

"I tell the cop, you should go arrest a rapist of gang banger"

"When it comes down to it, the cop thinks im gonna beat him up."

Hhahahahh Thats too much!
Actually, the part about radar bouncing off the car is partly true. I don't quite remember whether it was radar or laser but one of the two actually has a real hard time clocking certain shiny surfaces and colors. A shiny dark color Corvette is suppose to be REAL hard to clock due to its surface and shape (a lot of curvy parts). I just forget if it was radar or laser.
Originally posted by skim83:
Actually, the part about radar bouncing off the car is partly true. I don't quite remember whether it was radar or laser but one of the two actually has a real hard time clocking certain shiny surfaces and colors. A shiny dark color Corvette is suppose to be REAL hard to clock due to its surface and shape (a lot of curvy parts). I just forget if it was radar or laser.

If anything, I'd guess laser. Shiny surfaces don't bother radar, and if anything make it better. As for the Stealth bomber, I think you'll find that it is incredibly dull, not shiny, and the surface is textured rather than smooth.

Vettes can be tougher for laser to see than some cars, but it's not the shiny surface, it's the fiberglass and small frontal area. However, I also recall a test by R&T years ago that found black was a good color, and they tried some anti-radar bras and other materials. Some made a small difference, but they were thick and very ugly.
The sad thing is, people like this really exist. He sounds like a stupid Hulk Hogan... This is absolutly hillarious.

Radar can't get me...my car has a "Sweet Shine".

watch out,he might give us a real "ass whoppn " or maybe "noka lung loos " suntn lika that!
I couldnt finish listening to this guy.
He was sooo terrible its not even funny.
The real kicker of course is that whether this guy is for real or not, there ARE people out there just like this. Believe me, I've met some of them.
Originally posted by Edo:
... there ARE people out there just like this. Believe me, I've met some of them.

Eddie you shouldn't talk about your elders like that!
You wouldn't want the MOB after you now would you???


Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
Sorry folks, this appeared on the S2000 board not too long ago. Chris is right. It is a hoax. The interviewer is also the "interviewee" i.e. the same guy is doing both voices.
A joke is a joke.. It's hilarious regardless of who it is IMO.

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 27 October 2001).]