ABS Pump, Accumulator or High Pressure Hose leakage & clicking sound

28 February 2008
Hawaii Kai, Oahu Hawaii
I have a 1991 NSX with 110K miles. I have an intermittent clicking sound happening every 5 seconds from the pump and there is fluid leakage accumulation on the pump housing. I've checked the HP hose and accumulator and they look OK. Before I start replacing the Pump and/or Accumulator to try to fix the clicking sound and leakage I wanted to get any insights others my have about this issue. Thanks. Aloha. John
The pump on a 91 does not click. It makes a horrible, embarrassing racket that sounds like a combination of a rock in a tin can and a squealing belt. If you've ever heard it you'll never forget it.

The clicking sound comes when the solenoids deploy to pulse the pressure to the individual brakes.

It seems your ABS is deploying periodically. You might want to check the wheel speed sensors.
The system is not holding pressure, obviously based on a leak. Clean it off, and find where it is coming from. Sounds like high pressure side of system. Look at the accumulator(spherical unit, by pump), look at high pressure hose, which should be changed every 60K per service manual.

Do not think wheel speed sensors have anything to do with this, since you would have a TCS and ABS light on if a wheel speed sensor is bad. Just to confirm, do you have any check lights?

I agree with Larry, very likely that it's your pressure hose has deteriorated.
Do handle this with caution as it holds quite some pressure! take a look at the service manual and follow the safety precautions.

I've seen them blow up before it isn't fun.