Recently we've had a cold spell - I went to start my 91 and it barely turned, and didn't start, so I connected the battery tender and let it charge to full.
Now, when I drive it, the traction control is constantly engaged, limiting my speed. The ABS and TCS lights are on.
I pulled the codes, and got an ABS code 44 and TCS code 44. I cleaned the right rear wheel speed sensor and it looked fine, but the lights are still on after pulling the 7.5a fuse.
Before I order a new wheel speed sensor, is there anything else I should check? It was fine (no lights) before the battery died and recharged.
Now, when I drive it, the traction control is constantly engaged, limiting my speed. The ABS and TCS lights are on.
I pulled the codes, and got an ABS code 44 and TCS code 44. I cleaned the right rear wheel speed sensor and it looked fine, but the lights are still on after pulling the 7.5a fuse.
Before I order a new wheel speed sensor, is there anything else I should check? It was fine (no lights) before the battery died and recharged.