About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

28 June 2005
Denver, Colorado; Los Angeles, CA & Bangkok Thaila
About to leave to Denver in the NSX. It will be a bumpy ride, but a fun one.:smile:

It was a pleasure meeting everyone at the meet and the brunch.

I will be back in SOCAL again on Friday, got to switch cars and bring back the S500.

Not all of you are Buddhists, but in essence all religions (not cults) are essentially good. It is the man or interpreter that is clouded that misinterprets, so although we have different religions in essence we have the same objective.

The greatest monk Siddharta says that the only lasting happiness is through peace of mind. Your mind must be trained to be peaceful as it often wanders in so many directions with what we busy ourselves with in our daily lives. By doing only good things, speaking less and speaking only in times of need with something that is constructive, to understand that nothing in this world is permanent as this is the strongest cycle that is true everywhere and is what nature and everything is based out of, to be able to understand that nothing in this world is really yours as it is such thinking that causes pain because eventually we will lose everything the day we die and it is more important to lead a fruitful and complete life that isn't based on consuming and feeding our desires.

May we all have kindness to one another because this is what the world needs the most rather than a society that seems to constantly sacrifice so many things for a simply better economy or materialistic objectives that will never give us lasting happiness.

I've been a monk for 2 months so I wanted to share to some people that I've recently shared a moment in time with. It is very fortunate and the most difficult to be born a human being and it is thus even more fortunate for a group of people to meet and share each other's company. A human being is never evil but it is his desires and lack of peace that clouds his true self. To be able to be born a human being you have must have done a lot of great and positive things. So love and respect yourself and you will allow others to do the same to and for you.:smile:

Re: About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

Amen to that!!! have a safe and fun trip, see you when i see you.
Re: About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

Have a safe trip, see you back soon:smile:
Have a safe drive. I just did that drive only the other way around in July. Road should be smooth sailing if you go through utah to the 70. Just watch out for that typical colorado downpour. Oh and there's spots here and there in utah that were catching fire. I think from lightning. But interesting to see a puff of smoke coming from a middle of a steep rocky mountain cliff with no signs of fire anywhere around. But yeah, should be smooooooth driving. Wasn't that bad, even with my 18/19, 35/30 series tires.

So now my nsx is in california. Gotta fly back in two days, and bring back the pickup in 2-3 weeks. So to balance that, Colorado -1 NSX, california +1 NSX. LoL, it's even.
Re: About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

Thanks for the words of wisdom. Have a safe trip.

Re: About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

It was a pleasure to meet you Ton.......come back soon!
Re: About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

Have a safe trip!

I just did that trip from Denver to Temecula, smooth sailing. Maybe stop at Arches Natl Park in Moab UT and check out some cool landscape...I did and it was well worth the 30 or so miles out of the way.
Re: About to leave SOCAL back to Denver in NSX. Good seeing everyone. -1 NSX SOCAL +1D

Hey Everyone,

I have arrived in Denver a couple days, but I just wanted to let u guys know of the experience from driving the NSX on a long distance trip.

The trip has been fabulous. The seating is more comfortable then we give the NSX credit for. I've driven in a 7 series, 3 series, A4, S500, never once have I never gotten a butt ache.

The NSX is a truly daily driven supercar. If you had any doubts before, i just verified your fears.

My ass didn't ache a bit, and it was one of the most fun drives I had in a while, even with the rain. I drove 80mph no slowing in the rain or corners.:smile: That is 5 mph over the speed limit, but I did past so many people because of the rain and turns.:cool: