A twin turbo Acura V6 sports car

Using a system which Ronn Motor Company calls H2GO, owners simply fill up an auxiliary tank with water, and, through the process of electrolysis, the car makes its own hydrogen while on the move. It's a convenient solution to a lack of hydrogen fuelling stations.


Cool. They've invented perpetual motion. Good to know people can break the laws of physics.
Nothing in that statement suggests perpetual motion...for one thing it says you have to fill up with water

That's the point.

It takes more energy to produce hydrogen from water than the hydrogen provides when burned.

ie, the energy used to to break up the water into hydrogen and oxygen might as well be used to power the wheels. Any intermediate step (producing hydrogen) is a waste of power.
That's the point.

It takes more energy to produce hydrogen from water than the hydrogen provides when burned.

ie, the energy used to to break up the water into hydrogen and oxygen might as well be used to power the wheels. Any intermediate step (producing hydrogen) is a waste of power.

+1. The claims don't pass the sniff test. They may as well say you can either run it off gasoline or turn on the cold fusion generator.