A thought on NSX ownership

8 March 2006
I just realized that I used to be a poser.

Isn't a poser someone who perfers a look to a function? He prefers to look the part than to actually BE the part. If I were to go by this definition... most sports car owners, including myself are at least to a certain extent, posers. We make fun of the "ricer" guy, but really the only difference between he and some of us is that he can't afford the better quality part. I didn't fully realize what I was before I actually got on the track with my NSX. Where the car felt so at home, so in its element, so precise, that afterwards I realized I had a supermodel girlfriend.... and that up to that point, I had only been holding her hand.

I used to get bored... I earned a nickname of the "mod king" here on this forum. I ordered aftermarket parts for my NSX before taking delivery. :redface: I loved the car, but could only get glimpses of her greatness driving on the street. Some guys' cars here are garage queens. They get waxed once a week and sit in a garage with ultra low milage. Some are mannequins. They get dressed up in different ways and sit behind a glass window for others to see. Some are raced, most inapropriately, by an inexperienced driver on the street. Some get outrageous stereo systems and some get a lot of ultra rare parts. The owner of each type of car here has latched onto a particular quality of their car. Nothing wrong with that. But the point of my post is that you are not experiencing what this car, this NSX, was engineered and designed to do. Sometimes this leads to boredom, then to modding, and eventualy to a sale. The owner never experiencing what the car was built for.

A few years ago I went through some really hard personal times. It felt as if I lost everything in my life that was important to me. I remember in that time of real sadness and loss, a feeling came to me that made things so clear for me. That was the simple feeling that in life, only experiences matter, not objects. You are not taking any objects with you at the very end... and you are certainly subject to losing any or all of them at any point. So when you are on your last breath, what will have mattered? The fact that you owned something nice? Or your amazing experiences in life? I now truly believe there is an inherent flaw in the desire of ownership. There is freedom in letting it all go... only your experiences are always yours to keep.

Yes, my NSX is a beautiful car and when I see it, I do sense some satisfaction in owning it. But the thing it gave me that no other car ever gave me was this absolutely amazing experience on the track that I will never forget. I am posting this because if you have not, I hope you have it too. Don't miss out.

Here is my video for those that didn't see the other threads:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/nlSbvVEdy5I&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/nlSbvVEdy5I&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I just realized that I used to be a poser.

... I didn't fully realize what I was before I actually got on the track with my NSX. ......... But the point of my post is that you are not experiencing what this car, this NSX, was engineered and designed to do. ....... But the thing it gave me that no other car ever gave me was this absolutely amazing experience on the track that I will never forget. I am posting this because if you have not, I hope you have it too. Don't miss out.

Glad you saw the enlightenment that we have been preaching .....:wink: And yes, you were the "mod king" and some of us back then were wondering if you were for real :eek::tongue:
looks to me like you had a great wkend at the Glen and are still pumped...no harm in that.:wink: The nsx is a great precise car to track,just be vigilent in maintainance of the usual consumables.The Glen is quite a workout on the drivetrain and brakes.
Im definitely a poser. My NSX will most likely never see a track. I see no reason to in a open top car. My 91 had some limited track time, and it was a blast.
I know exactly what you mean. Untill I was taught how to drive, I thought I knew how to drive. I was wrong on many fronts. The NSX was built to be driven by those that can appreciate near perfection. Like a pretty girl - If it doesn't perform, you'll soon tire of just looking.
tracking street cars is fun but it's a slippery slope. I took my NSX out on the track Monday when I instructed for a buddy of mine. I only ran part sessions and just hard enough to show students the proper brake points and demonstrate some threshold braking. I've never felt I could push a street car as hard as a dedicated track car, made that mistake once and crashed my Lotus. As fine a platform as the NSX is out of the box, I'd rather drive the F2000 or a race-prepped Spec Miata if I'm going to drive at 10/10's. I don't think that makes me a poser. just my $.02.