a tale of patience.......

28 March 2002
Every so often I read posts from NSX devotees who do not yet have one but can't wait to own one. Many times it would seem that people would be willing to go into severe debt just to possess that which some may take for granted. Other times it seems that the right car is never available for that driver. Now that I am about to finally give up my long-time daily driver (not my NSX), I figured I would share my tale of patience when it comes to finally getting my choice "ride."

When I got out of school, I couldn't wait to own a 300ZX after falling in love with the 240Z owned by my best friend's brother in high school. Being heavily in debt with school loans, I could not afford one and could not even insure one while I lived in Manhattan. Two years later after being forced to move based upon a NY rent law that allows a landlord to throw out a tenant in favor of a landlord's family member, I went to the suburbs from my rent stabilized apartment and found that I could now insure the Z and treated myself to one shortly after moving.

When the NSX came out, I wanted to be the first "kid on my block" to own one but the mark-up was $30,600 over the sticker and I decided that was way out of my league so I kept the Z and used my NSX money for a Mercedes.

When the E55 AMG came out, I wanted trade my aging Benz for a black on black E55 but was told there was a 9 month wait. During that time, a recalled fuel injector in my Z caused the car, and garage, to go on fire and now I was left without a beloved 2 seater and still couldn't get my E55. After cashing the checks from insurance and Nissan as part of their settlement with me, I learned of '96 black on black NSX that was coming through Manheim auctions who just happened to be a client. I eventually bought that car after it was picked up by a local dealer and have totally forgotten about the 8 year wait to finally get one.

12 years and 210,000 miles later, my Benz cracked its catalytic converter last week and it would be a $3500 repair on a car with a book value of about $5000. Hating to part with my long time companion, I had the dealer order the cat and was waiting for it to come in.

Once again, coincidentally, while waiting for the part I learned that a local dealer had just gotten my other dream car, a 2000 E55 black on black, coming off a lease. Although it will be tough to say goodbye to my 12 year old daily ride, it has now been traded in after hanging in another 4 years after it should have been long gone.

I guess the moral of the story is sometimes you have to wait a while to be able to get your favorite ride. For all those who are having difficulty getting their match, hang in there, especially if it is an NSX.

Great post. I especially take to heart the following words:

RSO 34 said:
...Many times it would seem that people would be willing to go into severe debt just to possess that which some may take for granted...

I agree that we have become much too much of a "buy it now, worry about it later" society. Our desire for immediate gratification often puts us into dire financial straits later on when the bills come due. This often rings most true when it comes to ownership of an exotic, like an NSX, and it's sad to see so many individuals get in massive amounts of debt just because they have enough money to pay the downpayment, and (barely) cover the the montly payments. I guess it's the way I was brought up (and the way I saw my parents operate), but I could never buy a car (regardless of the form of payment), unless I was comfortable that I could purchase the car in cash, without a dent in the other obligations and financial commitments I have. That's not to say that I will buy a car outright, but simply, that I have the peace of mind to know that I could should, God forbid, something awful happen. I'm afraid I'm starting to preach, so I'm going to stop, but I do hope that people take your words seriously, and pace their expenditures in line with their income stream and savings, regardless of what those expenditures are on.

Congratulations on your new car. It is undoubtedly much deserved.
