A suggestion for the moderators and members of NSXPrime...

16 October 2000
North Ridgeville, OHIO, USA
After reading some posts by new members who clearly haven't finished second grade, and posts by members who can't stand them...I have an idea: Why not implement a fee of one dollar to join as a posting member of the website. It will eliminate a lot of people who's interests do not begin with the car we all love. I believe it will also eliminate a fair amount of "rifraf" against whom the dedicated and serious members continue to post (e.g. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78750). The fee will benefit the site owner and the mere action of having to go through the process will act as the main filter.

another example: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108828
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The only problem with this idea is that there will always be another villiage idiot showing up on our doorstep. We can't keep them away, but we can encourage them to leave and find another villiage to infest.
I love reading some of those stupid threads.:biggrin: It's even more fun to read the responses from Prime members. I often find myself laughing my butt off at some of the responses. In fact, I would probably pay $1 to continue to read some of these things.:biggrin:
As reluctant as I am to admit this, I've caught myself responding at times. Afterward I think, why did I even respond to that.:redface::confused:
As reluctant as I am to admit this, I've caught myself responding at times. Afterward I think, why did I even respond to that.:redface::confused:

Oh come on David. Some of your's are very funny.
As reluctant as I am to admit this, I've caught myself responding at times. Afterward I think, why did I even respond to that.:redface::confused:

+1 to both you and doug.

i think prime's an interesting, informative and entertaining community. although / because (?) the demographics are shifting, the "compost pile" is always being refreshed :)

worms, anyone?
I concur with the idea for a charge as a posting member. And +1 with DocL for the village idiot comment. Whatever idea Lud and the crew decide, I hope this site turns around, because I don't like the direction it's heading with the retards posting stupid stuff. But I guess that's the consequence we have for immediate posts without the approval process.

The only problem with this idea is that there will always be another villiage idiot showing up on our doorstep. We can't keep them away, but we can encourage them to leave and find another villiage to infest.

I just think that having to register and pull out a credit card to make a post or start a new thread may cause the potential "idiot" to move along to another site where this is not required. Again to clarify, you wouldn't be required to pay to simply browse the website and read the threads. This will encourage outsiders who are genuine car/ potential nsx enthusiasts to fully understand the value of NSXprime and its members. Then, they will be willing to participate as a paying member. The one dollar fee is not to make it an exclusive club that only the rich can afford, but rather to cause there to be some sort of effort to participate. Lets face it, some of the recent new members probably wouldn't be competent enough to obtain a credit card or figure out how to use it online.
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A dollar to join, or a dollar each post???

I just think that having to register and pull out a credit card to make a post or start a new thread may cause the potential "idiot" to move along to another site where this is not required. Again to clarify, you wouldn't be required to pay to simply browse the website and read the threads. This will encourage outsiders who are genuine car/ potential nsx enthusiasts to fully understand the value of NSXprime and its members. Then, they will be willing to participate as a paying member. The one dollar fee is not to make it an exclusive club that only the rich can afford, but rather to cause there to be some sort of effort to participate. Lets face it, some of the recent new members probably wouldn't be competent enough to obtain a credit card or figure out how to use it online.
After reading some posts by new members who clearly haven't finished second grade, and posts by members who can't stand them...I have an idea: Why not implement a fee of one dollar to join as a posting member of the website. It will eliminate a lot of people who's interests do not begin with the car we all love. I believe it will also eliminate a fair amount of "rifraf" against whom the dedicated and serious members continue to post (e.g. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78750). The fee will benefit the site owner and the mere action of having to go through the process will act as the main filter.

another example: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108828
Although the payment of a nominal fee may deter some people from signing up, ignoring the trolls seems to remove their number one motivation for posting outrageous comments - attention.

Some forums that I've been on provide certain sections that are only accessible to sponsoring members and that sponsorship fees varies from $10 - $25. Specifically, the "how to" and "off topic" sections have limited access so at least there are areas where the serious can go and interact pretty much will other people who are on topic and with some degree of knowledge.

I'm a short time member (obviously) and suggest that some of you may want to go visit the Honda, JDM, DSM and other such forums. It will make you appreciate a serious car forum like this as opposed to the romper room attitude on those places :D In the short time I've been here, gotten great advice, warm welcome, tips that have already saved me money (and, of courses, some "suggestions" that are going to cost me money, but in a good way) and a real education on this fine automobile so thanks to everyone for all that great input.
Some forums that I've been on provide certain sections that are only accessible to sponsoring members and that sponsorship fees varies from $10 - $25. Specifically, the "how to" and "off topic" sections have limited access so at least there are areas where the serious can go and interact pretty much will other people who are on topic and with some degree of knowledge.

That would make sense...a "members only section" or an NSXCA section.

But honestly I don't understand why some of you guys can't just NOT click on a thread especially when it's obvious from the title that there's no valuable information in there.

Seriously...it's not your bandwith...it's not wasting your time (unless you feel compelled to read everything) and there are options to BLOCK users. (at least I think there is...) That should solve pretty much all your issues.

I mean, I know the 700 club is somewhere on my TV, but I don't watch it. I also change the channel when commercials come on. I'm not forced to sit and watch them. Ignore and skim....
But then after scrounging up the 1 $ we will get threads asking about how to finance said dollar,or can he afford the 1 dollar,or how many dollars do each of us have:rolleyes::frown:
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After reading some posts by new members who clearly haven't finished second grade, and posts by members who can't stand them...I have an idea: Why not implement a fee of one dollar to join as a posting member of the website. It will eliminate a lot of people who's interests do not begin with the car we all love. I believe it will also eliminate a fair amount of "rifraf" against whom the dedicated and serious members continue to post (e.g. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78750). The fee will benefit the site owner and the mere action of having to go through the process will act as the main filter.

another example: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108828

You work for a government entity right?:biggrin:
After reading some posts by new members who clearly haven't finished second grade, and posts by members who can't stand them...I have an idea: Why not implement a fee of one dollar to join as a posting member of the website.
That represents discrimination against second graders, for whom one dollar is a substantial portion of their weekly allowance.

That represents discrimination against second graders, for whom one dollar is a substantial portion of their weekly allowance.


Thank you Ken. As a 12 year old, it would probably represent at least mowing one more lawn per week. Thanks for looking our for our interest.:biggrin:
The $1 thing would of worked. If this site charged $1, I would of never bought my nsx. I would of been at Viper Alley or 6 speed online or rennlist
I would suggest at least $5.00 as a Prime "supporter" to be able to post or reply. If they just want to browse around make it free to view only. I would have to say that most of us at one time or another, have benefited at least $5.00 worth of information from Prime.
I would pay $10-$25 for the amount of info I have received from nsxprime, but how about updating the home page, last time I checked this was 2008 and the NSXPO was being held in Portland, OR. It's been over a year since the NSXPO Ohio 2007 home page was created. Where do I send the $1 to get things started.
A The fee will benefit the site owner and the mere action of having to go through the process will act as the main filter.

While the goal of improving the signal to noise ratio on the site is admirable and something I fully support, I do not think there is an effective way to implement a pay system. Using PayPal would limit the site membership to those with a PayPal account with is arbitrary and unfair to those who don't wish to (or can't) get a PayPal account. And there is no way I'm getting into the business of processing $1 checks.. I suspect very few would bother to write and mail a check anyway.