A Speech on our NSX

17 January 2003
Los Angeles, CA
hi fellas,

My brother in college needs to do a informative speech and he chose to do it on our beautiful NSX. He's having problems on how to start the speech. Would you guys be able to suggest him a good attention getter? The speech would have to be 6-8 mins long. Any other pointers on what to talk about in the speech? Remember, its a imformative speech, not persuasive. I tried helping but somehow i always get into persuasiveness. Maybe i just love this car too much!

He could create a bit of controversy in the opening minute to totally hook the attention of his audience. I would start like this:

<B>"In the beginning of the super-car world, there was Ferrari. And Ferrari was known for speed, prestige, performance.....</B><I>*pause for effect*</I><B>......high maintenance, reliability issues, poor handling, poor quality assurance, repulsive interior designs, short lifespans, poor mileage & fuel economy, excessive emissions, and a pretentiousness egotiscial community.

Then in 1990 Honda blew all that away. Honda released to the world...</B><I>*pause for dramatic effect*</I><B>.... the Honda NSX -- The world's first TRUE sports car experience in a <U>super car</U>."</B>

Now if that doesn't get their attention, nothing short of a streaker will! :eek: :D Hmmm... my apology's to the Ferrari community for speaking this truth. :( Perhaps this is a little strong, but if you want to get the audience attention and hold it, shake their belief in Super Cars - they won't know what to expect next. All the best.
no problems. happen to vent...err....help. :D

I hope your bro does his research to support his arguments as to why the NSX revolutionized super cars and threatened Ferrari (to the point they overhauled their quality assurance). Otherwise he'll be throwing the spoon into the soup without stirring the pot. :confused: LOL, what i mean is... he's hit them with a jab + a powerful hook, but he needs more bodyblows. :confused: i'll stop there with the analogy's. :p An attention-grabbing opener is no substitute for content.

btw, he should check his marker(s) isn't pro-Ferrari... or he'll fail no matter how good he is. :D

Can we get a transcript/audio recording of his speech?
If the professor is female I wouldn't do a speech on a sports car. Most women could care less about a sports car.
Public speakers know that a good speech starts with a little levity. Have him start with a car related joke. One of my favorites is:

"I read in the paper that 85% of all traffic accidents happen within 2 miles of your home. So I'm moving!"
Since its informative, use lots of facts. Try to limit the amount of this car is better than that car. It only makes you seem biased and unrepuable. And most importantly, keep it simple so anyone can understand it. The professor and the majority of the class will most likely not know what he is talking about if he starts mentioning aluminum chassis construction, 1/4 times, Mid-Engine, engine displacement, etc etc. Explain it in laymans terms. So dont even bother trying to explain how VTEC works :D .