A Question for NSXTASY

30 November 2000
Prescott, AZ, USA
Although I rarely post, I've been reading the forum nearly every day for the past 2 years. And that, of course, means reading NSXTASY's posts. Aside from his informative comments, I am always amazed by the graphics he is able to quickly generate. A good example is his recent creation of two NSXs on a garage car lift, and then without hesitation, change the color of one. NSXTASY, how do you do it?
There are many different software products that you can use to make changes to photos - PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Paint, etc. Some of them are very sophisticated, and this depends too on the expertise of the user. Some folks here are much, much better at this than I. I took a "quick and dirty" approach here.

For information about how to include photos in posts, click here.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 18 October 2002).]
Hi Sven!

(Sorry to deviate from the topic.)
Are there many NSX's up in Prescott? Do you own one, and if so do you ever come down to the valley?

(Ok, go back to whatever you were discussing.

I have a '91 and Mark B. does all my services. There is a 2000 Coupe and one other NSX up here. I'm moving to Houston after the first of the year- no more dry heat.