A Place To Speed

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
Here is a story about a place you can drive as fast as you want, without any worries about endangering others or getting a speeding ticket. Enjoy.
Very interesting read. I have to say she is making a big mistake only carrying a geiger counter and thinking she is safe. She should also be wearing some type of body dosimeter to keep track of the lifetime dose she is receiving. A geiger counter just tells you about the x and gamma ray activity, doesn't tell you squat about how much radiation you have received.

In the US we use a measurement called REM (radiation equivalent man), which is more a measurement of how much damage the radiation has done to human tissue. What there is to worry about is that the radiation causes free radicals which can create mutations in your genes. Some types of particulate radiation can bind to dust particles (such as radon), you breath them in and there they sit in the linings of your lungs doing damage.

Hope that girl takes precautions... she is very hot by the way ;)
well, seeing as how she claimed her father was a physicist at the plant, she probably knows a little about what shes doing.... though it looks like those same scientists at the plant obviously weren't doing something right