I took a picture and then ran a filter on it in photoshop. I think it came out pretty neat.
AU_NSX said:Looks as if there has been an accident on the road there... Your NSX wasn't involved was it?
What's that???
You were the passenger?
Then who was driving?
You don't know?
What do you mean he ran off?
It's you car isn't it?
AmigaOS said:ryans, how many other NSX's are there in Tracy that you know of?
ryans said:glad you guys like it. Are there any photographers on the site? I'm not a pro but I like to go out and see what I can take that looks cool.
AU_NSX said:Looks as if there has been an accident on the road there... Your NSX wasn't involved was it?
What's that???
You were the passenger?
Then who was driving?
You don't know?
What do you mean he ran off?
It's you car isn't it?
rickysals said:I do it as a hobby and my roommate is a pro.
just my quick $0.02 - a good picture makes a good picture, not a filter
(i have serious hate for those things)
nice car!