So my Sunday project was to go ahead and service my K&N panel air filter.
Per tmbromley's records, the air filter was last serviced at 46,000 miles. Yesterday I hit 50,000 miles.
I'm not sure if the tech really did it, because when I got in there, the filter was literally black with chunks (yes, chunks) of crud, leaves and twigs. The filter was noticeably lighter after a thorough cleaning and re-oiling. I cleaned the TB while I was in there as well.
The car is noticeably more responsive now.
A couple of other NSXers I spoke with mentioned that their filters dirtied up pretty quick with the scoop as well.
So, get in there and clean your filters!
Per tmbromley's records, the air filter was last serviced at 46,000 miles. Yesterday I hit 50,000 miles.
I'm not sure if the tech really did it, because when I got in there, the filter was literally black with chunks (yes, chunks) of crud, leaves and twigs. The filter was noticeably lighter after a thorough cleaning and re-oiling. I cleaned the TB while I was in there as well.
The car is noticeably more responsive now.
A couple of other NSXers I spoke with mentioned that their filters dirtied up pretty quick with the scoop as well.
So, get in there and clean your filters!
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