A foot of fricken snow!

30 January 2001
How is everyone else doing in this freaky weather.As my header states we have a foot of heavy snow in wonderful Moscow,,Pa that is.:eek: :frown:
No Snow but we have spent the last two days bailing a water filled finished basement :mad: At least snow shovelling is an outdoor sport :tongue:
Hope all is well and don't forget your chains if you go out :wink:
I didn't get nailed too bad but it was a nasty little snowfall.
Wow looks like I'll take the snow over flooded basements.
An ex-college roommate is now a college professor and accomplished meteorolgist. In his scientific opinion, this storm is a consequence of global warming -- it causes wider temperature swings and more violent storms. (January was a record warm month in the NE, March the 3rd coldest on record).

Now the main causes of global warming are things for the politicians to battle over.

If I had my way, I'd just prefer it to simply get a little bit warmer and forget the wide swings :biggrin: ; this 38 degrees and raining stuff makes it too uncomfortable to work on the NSX in my garage.

In any case, I fortunately live on a hillside. I kept the NSX nice and dry in the garage. I drove one of our other cars yesterday and had to negotiate some minor flooding in a parking lot (4" to 8"). But less than 15 miles from me is/was some of the noted severe flooding.

I live on a corner house slightly elavated, luckily my NSX stayed dry and clean and the S2K was safe well. I was happiest about my basement with use to flood with 2' of water. 8' later, bone dry. Sump pump worked flawless and the french drain was worth every dollar.:wink: Stay safe everyone.
Hi Doc John,
Let's see, I do remember snow; it's that white stuff. It's almost 80 here and the sun is mighty nice out by the pool, as are the margueritas. :biggrin: (I just love to rub it in, at least until hurricane season). Hope to see you and the gang at the Glen for Kid's day

David & Susan
This is one of few times when Buffalo missed the snow. We were on the outer edge of that bad storm and just got some rain showers
My garage had the amazon running through it!! I had to raise everything that was cardboard off the floor. I openned up my garage doors slightly and let the water just run it's natural course. I always thought have a not level garage floor was an issue, now I'm glad it has a slope to it (thank god it's sloped towards the doors!!)
My garage had the amazon running through it!!
Keep it in the circus Joe!Thats a big Bi#ch!:wink:
that doesn't look like any Grey Goose that I know of!!!:eek:
Ak no more teddy bear!you've got MJ without the makeup.