A female driver rear-ends Enzo

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Not sure if this is a repost, but from other car forums, FYI (I had to edit some spelling errors from the original post):

Believe it or not we have an Enzo here in Utah. It was the one that was loaned to Motor Trend magazine for their tests. Well, the owner actually took it out for a drive on weekends. The latest news is that while he was driving back to his garage (my friend following him), he stopped at a light and this girl in a Honda rear ended him. He got out of the car and surveyed the damage. The girl got out of the car still talking on here phone and didn't have a clue what she hit. He said to her… do you know what you have done and she said… What it's just a scratch!!! (More like a dent) And was annoyed that she had to end her call. The Owner on the Enzo just looked at her. ( I bet he was wondering how he could kill her and getaway with it.) Can you imagine what her insurance agent is going to say.
Geez. That girl = clueless loser. :rolleyes:
You should give her the bill to pay for the "little scratch". . . I'm sure she'd stop talking on her phone then.
I'd love to see her reaction when she sees the estimate, 'Uhhh,... excuse me. I think there are a couple of extra zeroes here.".
Not to bash on the females but man that is some scary stuff.

I was involved in an accident in August where I was T-boned and the late teen female that caused it basically told the police.

"I didn't see the red light" (while chatting on her cell phone).

She wrecked 4 cars in the melee (including her own).. 3 were totalled.

I say we start a new program..

Females turn in your driver's licenses for a free lifetime bus pass..

I'd pay extra taxes for that.
TucAZNSX said:
Remember that not all of us are terrible drivers! ;)

I couldn't agree more - in fact one of the worst chemicals to be under the influence of while driving is often testosterone.
I'm happily involved so it would not matter to me, but if no women had the ability to drive it would kill the "booty call factor". :)

blknsxnoc said:
Not to bash on the females but man that is some scary stuff.

I was involved in an accident in August where I was T-boned and the late teen female that caused it basically told the police.

"I didn't see the red light" (while chatting on her cell phone).

She wrecked 4 cars in the melee (including her own).. 3 were totalled.

I say we start a new program..

Females turn in your driver's licenses for a free lifetime bus pass..

I'd pay extra taxes for that.
:D :D :D :D
TucAZNSX said:
Remember that not all of us are terrible drivers! ;)

in fact, some of them are excellent race car drivers....weight and physique advantages
Where is that story from? I live in Utah and haven't heard of that. If you remember, that Enzo is the one that I was griping about in a post about a month ago. I can't find it right now, but that Enzo was at an auto show across the street from where I work and the media never even metioned that it was goint to or was there. To me, that would have been worth the price of admission.
Why are girls always on the damn phone??? This is why they are banning phones!! Women on there phones and putting there damn makeup in the car. I always tell my girl she better not be doing that shit. I bought her a damn wireless headset too. Gotta make sure I practice what I preach too
I didn't think it was true. I would have heard about it hear locally, if not just on the net. Why do people make us stories like this? Don't they have anything better to do? On that Ferrichat website, even after it was confirmed by the only Ferrari dealership in the state that it wasn't true, there were still 2 more pages of posts, like they didn't even read the post that it was a false story!
If that story had been true, I think the driver would have beaten her to death. :D

While I will preface this by saying that there are both male and female drivers who should be given a bus pass instead of a license, it has been my experience that the females and their freaking cell phones have been at the heart of most of the near accidents I have had. Again, this is only my experience, so your mileage may vary. Almost every freaking time a car either changes lanes without looking and almost hits me, or a car runs a red light and I have to lock my brakes, there is a girl or soccer mom on her cell phone completely oblivious to what they almost caused. The more frustrating part is when you honk at them to keep them from hitting you and they give you that look like YOU are the jerk for being in their way!! Argh!! I just want to say, 'Hey retard!! Your the moron that almost hit ME, remember,' and try and knock some sense into them. Plus, I often see females trying to put on makeup WHILE DRIVING and not even looking at the road!! Either way, there are terrible drivers for both males and females, but for the most part I have experienced that most of the time the female drivers seem to care less about the cars they almost hit and see it as 'no bog deal'.

(**Disclaimer: I know several girls that can drive circles around the guys I know, and am actually engaged to one of those girls. All statements made above are purely from things that have happened to me, and should be looked at as one mans experiences only.)
haha. I like your disclamer at the bottom. Sounds like a man who is engaged and or married. Sounds like your fully prepared to make that commitment.