I changed the A/C compressor yesterday. It got stuck a couple months ago. I also changed the receiver dryer, an did the R12 - R134a conversion. All this work took about 6 man-hours.
The outside temperature at the moment here is 35 deg Fahrenheit.
I have a question that I didn't find in the manual. Is the compressor supposed to engage when you switch the A/C manually to ON?
We had to manually bridge the A/C clutch relay to make the compressor turn. Is this because of the low Outside Air Temperature or should I expect something wrong here.
I already did the troubleshooting up to the point of checking the relay. all is working.
Next troubleshooting point, I should start checking ECU.
I just want to find out first if the compressor should be turning when OAT is so low!
The outside temperature at the moment here is 35 deg Fahrenheit.
I have a question that I didn't find in the manual. Is the compressor supposed to engage when you switch the A/C manually to ON?
We had to manually bridge the A/C clutch relay to make the compressor turn. Is this because of the low Outside Air Temperature or should I expect something wrong here.
I already did the troubleshooting up to the point of checking the relay. all is working.
Next troubleshooting point, I should start checking ECU.
I just want to find out first if the compressor should be turning when OAT is so low!