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A/C Blowing White Smoky Air

2 June 2005
Hi guys, I had my A/C on today and it started to blow whitish-clear air out from the vents. It was still cold though. I didn't notice this whitish-clear air from the side vents, only the middle ones. I tried to leave it on for a few more minutes to see if it would stop but it didn't. If anyone could give me any clues as to why this is happening, it would be very helpful. Thanks.

Zennsx said:
Did it have a chemical odor??? If it does it could possibly be a pinhole leak in the Evaporator.

I didn't smell any chemical odors (I rolled my windows down a little because I didn't want to breath up a lot of the smokey-clear air just incase it is harmful).
nsxtasy said:
It's water vapor. Nothing to worry about.

This happened about 30 minutes after driving the car though so I don't think it was water vapor. Then again, I don't know anything about this sort of thing so I'm probably wrong.
Had the same probelm with my 95. A slick tech at an import shop told me that is an indication that I was very low on Freon. He was right... low by 2/3rds. There is probably a reason it got low. Have your shop put in a die, etc. so they can find the leak when they fill it. I didn't have a leak, but my fans weren't kicking on due to a blown fuse. (probably drove thru a deep puddle) and the system pressure was going 2x what it should have... thus purging the freon... I believe there is a relief valve in the system. I am not an AC tech, but this story worked for me. So for the price of a fuse, freon, and some labor I got the AC back to 100%. Didn't figure I'd get out of it that easy... I am sure something else will let go now that I said that!
My tech spent an hour and a half in total working on the car... charged the system, noticed the high system pressure, figured out the fan fuse, looked the car all over after charging the system, sweeping it with a wand to detect leaks, etc. The freon itself was about ~$80.
WestPalmBeachNSX said:
Had the same probelm with my 95. A slick tech at an import shop told me that is an indication that I was very low on Freon. He was right... low by 2/3rds.

I just had my A/C checked about 2 Months ago and everything seemed like it was ok then. The guy who checked it said that my freon was full and I did not need a recharge. He said that he doesn't think there are any leaks because I still had so much freon.
I don't know how unususal of a problem this is... my 4800 mile 2005 does the same thing occasionaly. Low on freon already?!
It can be normal, or it can be 2 other items which are issues. One is it can be from the drain clogging on the evap. This is the least likely, as it would normally shoot actual droplets out the vents before the water vapor. The other is the evap can be freezing up from a faulty sensor.
TruongTran said:
I didn't smell any chemical odors (I rolled my windows down a little because I didn't want to breath up a lot of the smokey-clear air just incase it is harmful).

The chemical compound is HCN. You were very wise to open your windows because an HCN concentration of 300 parts per million of air will kill a human within a few minutes. :eek:

Or it could have been a humid day and the cool air caused water vapour to form at the vent outlets until the airconditioner removed enough water from the air for it to stop like nsxtasy and Hugh pointed out.

Either way, I think you should find out if your wife or anyone will gain significantly in the event of your death... Someone just may be trying to kill you.
