a/c aspirator fan

13 March 2003
overland park, ks, usa
Hello everyone,
Well the fan noise has been tiresome, so I finally decided to open the console to fix the problem.
After cleaning the fan, I reassembled the fan assembly and tried to test it for noise but noticed that the fan would not work! I inspected the connectors and reassembled the fan but the fan still does not turn. Are there other trouble shooting methods that I should try or how does disconnecting the fan effect the operation of the A/C??

By disconnecting the fan, am I only limited to using the manual functions of the A/C?

Thanks in advance!

If you disconnect the fan, the system will measure a slightly different interior temperature than it should. Eventually when the temp stabilizes this will be a tiny effect. I'm not sure you will even be able to tell that anything is wrong.
If you took the assembly apart to adjust, you may have just tightned up the needle bearing a bit too tight. If it was making noise when you unclipped the connector, and stopped working while you were cleaning it, could you have damaged the motor itself? Just had 3 aspirator fans apart due to whining, and one not working, and got all back together and working beautifully, with no issues, other than I got one too tight, which would not allow the fan to spin. Stupid question, you did test before putting everything back together right? If not, then it may be working. Get a cigarette or something to make smoke, and blow towards the hole.

Side note, I think the fan is supposed to be on all the time, regardless of your setting. Mine was not working at all, and my automatic setting didn't work AS WELL.... good luck!
After re-assembling the fan, blow on it and it should spin easily and keep spinning. Otherwise it is too tight.