96 vs 97?

2 March 2003
Greensburg, PA
Looking to purchase an NSX in the next couple of months and was wondering whether the extra $'s for a 97 with the 3.2, 6 speed plus the other changes is worth it?
I would agree, get the 97. The 6 speed and extra 20 HP alone is well worth it.
I wouldn't say flat out that they're worth it.

The 3.2-liter motor and the six-speed (and other improvements such as the bigger brakes) are definitely desirable improvements. Whether they're worth spending the additional $8-10K for, depends on your personal financial circumstances, what you can afford, and whether these improvements are worth it for you to spend the extra money on them.
Originally posted by brad h:
Looking to purchase an NSX in the next couple of months and was wondering whether the extra $'s for a 97 with the 3.2, 6 speed plus the other changes is worth it?

The price difference for a '97 over a '96 EXACTLY reflects what the general market will pay for the upgrade. It's not pulled out of the air, it is what the marketplace values the changes at. Thus, the '97 is neither inherently a bargain or a rip-off.

The question is, for YOU, would you value those upgrades more or less than the general population? That will give you the answer to your question.

People who say "definitly worth it" or "definitely not" are speaking only for themselves in relation to the overall marketplace. The market is never (well, rarely) wrong.
Originally posted by Timbo:

People who say "definitly worth it" or "definitely not" are speaking only for themselves in relation to the overall marketplace. The market is never (well, rarely) wrong.

I think he already thought about it himself and was soliciting other people's opinions.

Brad H,

If higher mileage doesn't bother you, a higher mileage 97+ can be had for a similar price to a lower mileage 96. If you just want a Targa and don't care about performance, why not get a 1995, whose pricer is even further from a 97?
In addition to the Transmission, Brakes, etc, the '97's are a little stiffer (and heavier).

There's really no difference between the '95 and '96, just as the '97 - '01 are pretty much identical (not counting price).

Check out the FAQ, there's a good writeup on the modifications introduced in the 1997 model.

[This message has been edited by aaronb (edited 03 March 2003).]
Originally posted by aaronb:
In addition to the Transmission, Brakes, etc, the '97's are a little stiffer (and heavier).

They're only 22 pounds heavier. That's not much...
I'd recommend the 97+. I know a certain poster who has had a 96 NSX-T, sold it, bought a 93? NSX, and I heard recently that he will be selling it and is looking to purchase a 97+.