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95 Service Manuals

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Sold. Thank you.
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The buyer backed out on 95 Mechanical Service manual.
Price Lowered to $70 including shipping.
The prospective buyer hasn't paid and I haven't heard from him for the longest time. So I suppose that it's back for sale :(

It's the OEM Black with red lettering covered one.
Still available? I have a 96 nsx. Wondering if it would be about the same as a 95? Your thoughts. could you post a pix also.
Yes, 96 will be identical to 95.
I will take some picture this weekend.
Sorry guys, but forum edicate is the next person in line whom made an offer (not just an inquiry) gets it if the buyer above backs out. I get the mechanical man.look at the whole thread.I made a firm offer before the rest of you guys.

Tiger I hope you honor this, it is the proper way to sell on the forum
TigerNSX, I defer my purchase to anyone in front of me. If those fall through, just keep me in line, it stops here!

BadCarma, without access to Tiger's PM, I couldn't know of your offer. No line cutting was intended- please accept my apology! Hope you get it:)
Hi, BadKarma,

I remember that you emailed me about this. However, when I answered your email (you only asked if it was Acura manual) saying that this WAS the Acura Manual, you never replied (or I never heard anything from you). -dated 08-14-2003

As you can read from my post, "The prospective buyer hasn't paid and I haven't heard from him for the longest time. So I suppose that it's back for sale." - dated 09-08-2003 19:37

I don't understand why you are back in the game NOW. This post has been revived almost a month ago, and you did not say a word during this time.


In your last PM, you stateded that you were going to get the CD avaliable from ebay, and if it falls through, you were going to purchase my manual. However, I didn't hear anything from you, either.

Please do not implicate that I am a dishonorable seller. I have answered all of your emails, requiries, and I tried to be as honest as possible.

I hope that there is no more confusion.
Tiger, I got back in the 'game' because I just found the post..you are correct as I have reviewed my pm's,I did not follow through.I have been searching high and low for a manual.the post may have been revived but I did not catch it till tonight. and when I reviewed it I saw that all the guys wanting it were below me on requesting it.since I DID not make the offer I was positive I had then I do not qualify for first dibbs.sell it to the guy that wants it so badly.it will make his day.

sorry for the confusion

ACURARUCA, enjoy the manual and no need to apologize, it was 'my bad'

I feel bad about the confusion- I think I added to it unintentionally!
BadKarma, I owe you one- thanks! I'll be at NSXPO Friday- maybe I can meet you guys?

I'm still fairly new to this board but I can't speak highly enough of it's members!

Thanks all again!:)