94 NSX Pics

Nice pictures!





[This message has been edited by James Cruz (edited 15 November 2000).]
Your aftermarket stereo looks great. I'm thinking about trying an 8" sub behind the passenger seat to minimize the amount of space the seat will have to move forward. I'm 6' 2" and sometimes my wife wants to drive and I have to sit in that seat. I don't want to sit there and chew on my kneecaps cause I'm so close to the dash. I am still looking into putting the sub in the passenger floor board like Chuck did on the Boston Acoustic website. It says he only lost 1 1/2" of space that way.

What type of speaker arrangement did you go with in the doors? 5 1/4" or 6 1/2"?
How do you like the SportShift? I've been looking for different knob than the stock one as I find it blocks things too much.

BTW nice car!

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
I have 6 1/2 in the doors along with Boston Acustic Tweeter mounted high in the doors. I noticed i was missing highs in the stereo. Sounds great. I am going to look at the BA Website, due to I lost too much space behind my passanger seat. Thank GOD I am only 5'8!!!!!
Originally posted by 94NSXGUY:
I am going to look at the BA Website, due to I lost too much space behind my passanger seat. Thank GOD I am only 5'8!!!!!

Speaking of Boston Acoustics and subs and NSXs ... heh. I was just checking this out for mine at their site :


This image is part of that installation :


My company has a good relationship with Boston and I am looking at doing something like this with the pro series.

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 05 December 2000).]