'92 temp gauge malfunction

25 November 2004
Upstate NY
Hi, all--I just purchased my first NSX yeasterday--a red '92. The temp gauge spikes and remains in that position whenever the car is running. There is no evidence that the car is actually overheating. Where is the temp gauge sender located and how do I test it? If I need a new one, where is a good, reasonbly priced parts source? Any other ideas about what might be wrong, besides the gauge or sender unit?

Thanks in advance for any tips.
OK--I checked the service manual but am still not sure exactly where the water temp sensor is located. I saw a sensor under the intake bellows, which i thought was the sensor , but when I grounded it, it set off the engine bay fan. Is the water temp sensor near that sensor?

Another Q--when I ground the sensor wire, I assume that the water temp gauge needle will rise to the max position? This is what it is doing now every time I start the car up. Not immediately upon turning the key, but w/i 3-5 min of idling, the needle pegs to the hot end. Based upon this description, can anyone give a diagnostic guess--gauge, wiring, or sensor?

As always, thanks in advance.
Off the top of my head the NSX has three temp sensors. One for the gauge, one for fan control and one for the ECU. The first thing to do is change the sensor also be very carefull about grounding sensor conections you can blow the gauge.
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Here you go.
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If your senders are actually NOT the fault, then you will need to do this.

1) Double lock the cover of your coolant bottle tight. (push down and tighten the cover. It will actually step a second time. If the cover is not double tightened, it will suck air into the closed system)

2) you will need to "burp" all of the air out of the system while running with the heat on. There are several areas to do this under the front hood, and by the engine. (see the plumbing diagram in the manual)

PM DanO or NSX 3.0 for more info on these techniques. They both did this to a car last fall.