92 Dome Light switch problem

8 November 2002
Dallas, Texas USA
My 92 NSX Dome light switch is not working properly

In OFF position it is off...good

In ON position it is on....good

In the middle position it is on all the time...BAD! Door open or door closed, engine on or not, ignition on or not, all the same, in the middle position light is on all the time.

I did a search and could not find a write up on a fix for this

Any ideas on HOW TO FIX THIS??

thanks in advance
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Check to see is one door also has the door light on all the time, this will narrow down which side is the problem. If you have one door that never lights, check to see if the bulb is there and good;).


thanks for the response

Both door lights work perfectly...when opened the door light goes on, when closed the light is off. Does not matter what the position of the dome light switch is, both doors work perfectly

that is why I thought there might be a some sort of short in the dome switch itself vs something coming from the door

no burned out lights

Boy do I feel stupid & embarrased.....

Took the dome light out of the car last night, did the continuity checks per the service manual and everything checks out good.

then noticed that both the buttons to turn on the dome light were depressed and in the ON position......duh!!!!

I just got the car back last week from being in the shop for the past 4 months to rebuild my 3.8 NA for the 3rd time.....that's a long story

How those buttons got turned on I don't know, but I have owned it for the last 13 years, so no excuse, my bad....Sorry I created a problem that was not there. User error

thanks for those would tried to help, I appreciate it!