91, salvage title due to elec fire

6 June 2003
Ok, so I've wanted an NSX since they came out in '91 and last night I found one local on line for a price I can readily afford. Today I drove it. I don't know if that was a good thing or not. Drives great, body seems nice and straight (all body panal gaps feel even), it's not in the ring clip series, and it looks like it's eligible for the cooling recal so I can get the new pump and the timing belt changed for relatively cheap.

It does have some cosmetic wear. The top edge of the window seal on the drivers side has two notches in it, and the passenger side has one. As if both windows had been pried open at some point. The guy said he was working on fixing the passenger side window due to regulator problems, but said it will be fixed prior to sell.

I'ts got aroud 45k miles on it and the interior is pretty clean (the seats show almost no wear, but there is a cracked radio bezel).

The real trick is that it is a salvage title. The guy was upfront about this and I pulled a carfax to get the details. Carfax reports the salvage due to electrical overload. Everything looks clean and seems to run great (though the TCS light did flicker once when it seemed odd to do so (on freeway going straight)).

Anyway...it really does seem too good to be true. Can anyone give me a sanity check based on this info or should I go for it? (or at least get it checked out independently).

Thanks in advance to all replies.

Stay away from any car that was involved in a fire or flood. The electrical system will never be the same. You will always have little gremelins popping up and it will drive you crazy. The TCS flickering while on the highway is not normal. This is one indication that there are already problems with the car.

Run as fast as you can.
Yes, this is the 91 that Cory is selling. And another thing that I had forgotten to mention is that the engine has a clicking noise that sounds exactly like an old cherokee that I had. On the jeep the noise was attributed to valve lifters. Everyone agreed it wasn't a problem, just an anoying noise, same case with the NSX.

That is my exact fear in regards to the electrical system. I did read that there was a bug with some of the 91 TCS computers that make the TCS engage on rough roads, I don't remeber if we were going over a rough spot at the time I noticed it on the freeway.

Oh..asking price is 25k.

dmwilson42 said:

Oh..asking price is 25k.

I expected you to come back and tell us the asking price was around 16-18K. To each their own, but I would think you can find the same car without the salvage title for not all that much moore than the asking price.
Well..based on the comments from you guys I'm thinking that It would be in my best intrests to wait until I find a better ride. I did mean to ask "same case with the NSX?" (question, not statement) in regards to the valve tapping....Still curious if that's a common issue or not.

Anyway, while it seems I should definatly step back, this whole experience has put this passion on a whole new level. I hadn't even been IN an nsx, let alone drive one until yesterday. I guess it's this kind of reaction that keeps the crack dealers in business (Com'on...first hit is free...) <sigh>...

Thanks all for your insight.

dmwilson42 said:
... I guess it's this kind of reaction that keeps the crack dealers in business (Com'on...first hit is free...) <sigh>...

Well you've come to right place if you're having a craving for "go fast crack."

thats good cory gave you all the same information as he did me. I was gonna fly down there for the car but after looking around on nsxprime i decided not to since i found more info on the electrical fire he previousl had. He told me about the light on rough roads that it would come on and the tapping he says comes and goes. This turned me away from it and a good thing, the next day i found the NSX i was looking for sort of. Only thing was I wanted black on black not black/ivory but it is still good in my book.

My friend who is in the market for an NSX showed me a couple last night on autotrader. One was $22k and the other was also under $25 k, not sure the exact price though. They can be had pretty cheap nowadays. Mo - Elite.