$800 stop sign ticket!!!

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
thats what a stupid little "california roll" stop sign ticket that I got back in 01 is costing me!!! Thanks to California's lame/strict insurance laws...You are either a good driver(discount) or a bad driver(screwed)...there is no gray area...

My current insurance is due to expire on June 12th..Last year when I got the policy my record wasn't good(3 tickets), so I paid a steep price(over $2400 a year)...The other day after recieving my renewal notice,I noticed it didn't go down as much as I would like, so I decided to call around to get some other quotes..As of now I have two tickets on my record, a stop sign and a speeding ticket..The stop sign one should come off at the end of June... I got a quote from Gieco for $529 for 6 months:eek: WOW!!! less then half of what I have been paying, BUT I told him I had one speeding ticket and one seat belt ticket, which is what I thought was left on my record..well after running my license it turned out that the ticket I thought was for a seat belt was the stop sign ticket:( BUMMER

My new quote was $1326 for 6 months:mad:

WTF?!?! $800 difference for one friggin stop sign ticket!!!

Needless to say, I think I'll park the car for about 20 days and wait for the ticket to come off on June 27th and then call the guy back:D
Isn't there some issues when you create gaps in your coverage. I seem to remember they ask who you are currently with for a reason, I think to verify you're currently insured. You might want to verify.
yes, there is...but the guy said it shouldn't be a problem if it is less then a month...although he couldn't "advise" it, he told me he would do the samething:p ..either that or continue paying my current insurance and just cancel it when the ticket falls off...which is what I might do, just to be safe..although it will cost me about $200, it will be hard not being able to drive the X for 20 days:D
I'm Confused

You broke the law, they imposed a monetary penalty and you are mad. Why? :confused:
Re: I'm Confused

AndyVecsey said:
You broke the law, they imposed a monetary penalty and you are mad. Why? :confused:

Are you serious???


an $800 difference in price for one lame infraction???

it wasn't like I had a DUI, or blew right through a stop sign..it was a lame ticket to begin with and you are asking me why I'm mad???

I've never had one accident or ever even filed a claim, but one "california roll" and they bend you over on insurance...

Does that sounds fair to you?
Re: Re: $800 stop sign ticket!!!

FuryNSX said:
Just in time for the Prime drive, eh?

Too bad it wasn't on the 28th...Then I might just park it in the garage and save me $200, but that is cutting it to close so I might just have to keep paying on my current insurance:mad:
Re: I'm Confused

AndyVecsey said:
You broke the law, they imposed a monetary penalty and you are mad. Why? :confused:

I Believed the $800 is refer to his insurance premium increases instead of the infraction fine itself... I too think the insurance are real blood sucking SOB... Somehow it's disturbing to see someone working at TacoBell and drive a 80's beat up car and needs to pay more than $250 a month for his "liability insurance"... I've seen enough person forgo the whole insurance coverage all together... (Being I was the one when I was young...)
A stop sign infraction may be every bit as dangerous (even lethal) as speeding. Don't act like it's not a big deal. It is. If you had ever known someone killed or injured by a driver who ran a stop sign, you would understand. Unfortunately, some despicable prominent figures apparently never get it.

NSXDreamer2 said:
I too think the insurance are real blood sucking SOB...
Suppose you were an insurance company. And, you asked your statistical experts (they're called actuaries) how much more someone with two moving violations would cost in claims, on average, compared with the same person with one moving violation. And they told you it would cost an extra $800 every six months. Would you charge the extra $800 to your customer? If not, why not?
Re: Re: I'm Confused

91 X said:
Are you serious???


an $800 difference in price for one lame infraction???

it wasn't like I had a DUI, or blew right through a stop sign..it was a lame ticket to begin with and you are asking me why I'm mad???

I've never had one accident or ever even filed a claim, but one "california roll" and they bend you over on insurance...

Does that sounds fair to you?

Good little Andy never breaks the law:rolleyes:

I would check with your Motor Vehicle Admin before you let your insurance lapse. You might want to consider turning in your tags before you do that, I know in MD that raises a flag and there can be SERIOUS penalties. My father's insurance lapsed and he ended up owing the state over $12,000.

Gosh darn lawbreakers!

Are you serious???


an $800 difference in price for one lame infraction??? it wasn't like I had a DUI, or blew right through a stop sign..it was a lame ticket to begin with and you are asking me why I'm mad??? I've never had one accident or ever even filed a claim, but one "california roll" and they bend you over on insurance...

Then move to a "kinder" state.

Does that sounds fair to you?

It's really not a question of fairness.......you break law, law fines you. Lobby Sacramento if you think the fine is too high. Unless Arnold drives an NSX, nobody here can help you.
Good little Andy never breaks the law :rolleyes:

Yes, I do break the law every once in a while, such as going 5-10 MPH (or more) over the speed limit. What exactly is your point? :confused:

But if I get caught, I pay the fine and not whine about here on PRIME. :rolleyes:
91 X

why don't you call AIS, just go to any search engine, full name is call auto insurance specialist. they will find the best rate for you, if you don't like their quote you don't have to pay. :)

I totally understand you situation. if I put nsx under my name its going to cost me around 1300, the only tickek i have now is for a stupid U-turn. recently I just got a speeding ticket (a week ago), so I figure I might as well just put the nsx under my wife's name cause sooner or later when the insurance found out about that speeding ticket my rate will go up too. my wife is currently with progressive, which i think the rate they are offering is pretty good, i can give you their phone number if you want, just pm me.
I got hit by a guy who didn't stop at a stop sign when I was walking. He was looking at the one way traffic coming the opposite way I was going. He knocked me into the lane of traffic and I was lucky I didn't get killed.

Many drivers do not stop at sidewalks or stop signs.
nsxtasy said:
A stop sign infraction may be every bit as dangerous (even lethal) as speeding. Don't act like it's not a big deal. It is. If you had ever known someone killed or injured by a driver who ran a stop sign, you would understand. Unfortunately, some despicable prominent figures apparently never get it.

Suppose you were an insurance company. And, you asked your statistical experts (they're called actuaries) how much more someone with two moving violations would cost in claims, on average, compared with the same person with one moving violation. And they told you it would cost an extra $800 every six months. Would you charge the extra $800 to your customer? If not, why not?

I agreed with what you said, but not totally...

I strongly disagree that any driver should get panalized by any insurance company, which, instead, we should get a big fine (to our beloved gov't) if it's bad enough. Like 91X said, he missed the stop sign,(well there's also difference that if you missed it at a 4 way stop? Did you actually stop or you totally missed it??) not blowing through it... but the insurance company use that to benefit itself and fined 91X as if someone blew through the stop sign...
Yes, some people are really careless and ignorant... and I agree that driving is something that noone should take it lightly, or not paying attention while doing it. People not doing so should be panalized, but it should have a different degree...
As there was no harm done by 91X I think the punishment from his insurance company is too high.

If I got 2 speeding tickets my insurance would go up 800 dollars a year and decline on a sliding scale after 5 years. Total cost to me would be 2400 dollars. A bit much for going 5kmph over the limit.
NSXDreamer2 said:
(well there's also difference that if you missed it at a 4 way stop? Did you actually stop or you totally missed it??)

91x rolled through the stop sign, around here in CA, folks call it the "California Roll" :)

91x, I feel your pain.., I am in very similar situation, got 1 point on record, which didn't affect my insurance, but when I got my 2nd one a month later, which happens to be a stop sign violation also, the insurance doubled! And it stayed doubles for 3 years until the 1st point drops off. OUCH! Also, something about the time between the point is recorded and drops off, I basically need to pay 4 years of insurance on my doubled amount.
it can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere...

nsxtasy said:
A stop sign infraction may be every bit as dangerous (even lethal) as speeding. Don't act like it's not a big deal. It is. If you had ever known someone killed or injured by a driver who ran a stop sign, you would understand.

hmmm, this hits home... As a then soon2graduate college student in late '98, I bought a new lexus w/ my research job' earnings and misc' funds I had been accumulating for nearly 10years [namely for a NSX], I even finalized a deal on a red/ivory '93 from FL', but going onto grad' school- that was not a practical means of transport/commute for me... :( [hence a sedan to lug around in]

Back to the point... less than 1week after my purchase, I was side-swiped by a $500 K-car that had run a stop-sign at significant speed in an urban setting. My car did get fixed (3times to get it reasonably drivable & appearance), but it has never been the same.

Oh yea... serious air-bag burns to the face, facial/head trauma (contra coup`), lacerations on the arms (glass/plastic), bruised ribs, and a serious concussion. The other guy's car had cosmetic front-damage, and he escaped any signs of injury- even minor.

Lives change by our decisions and judgments, no matter how insignificant they may be. I had to end my university soccer career, downplay academics while getting back to par health-wise, and still have to carry the physical scars every single day of my life.
Tony Montoya said:
If I got 2 speeding tickets my insurance would go up 800 dollars a year and decline on a sliding scale after 5 years. Total cost to me would be 2400 dollars. A bit much for going 5kmph over the limit.
You know as well as I do that it's almost unheard of to get a ticket for 5 kmph (3 mph) over the limit). If you got two speeding tickets, presumably at speeds for which speeding tickets are issued, then you are a bigger risk to your insurance company than someone who didn't.

SilverOne said:
91x rolled through the stop sign, around here in CA, folks call it the "California Roll" :)
Just like with speeding tickets, it's almost unheard of to get a ticket for blowing a stop sign at 3 mph - and he almost certainly blew the stop sign by going at least 20 mph, maybe more. In other words, HE BLEW THE STOP SIGN. If you don't want to get a ticket for blowing a stop sign, then don't do it in the first place. (Or do it at 3 mph.)
nsxtasy said:
Just like with speeding tickets, it's almost unheard of to get a ticket for blowing a stop sign at 3 mph - and he almost certainly blew the stop sign by going at least 20 mph, maybe more. In other words, HE BLEW THE STOP SIGN. If you don't want to get a ticket for blowing a stop sign, then don't do it in the first place. (Or do it at 3 mph.)

Ken, not so in Irvine. My wife drives like a snail. Everytime I drove behind her, I'd say "Go already!". She ... got nailed for not making a complete stop. There is no way she was going more than 3mph making any turns. Hers is california roll with missing imitation crab.
nsxtasy said:
You know as well as I do that it's almost unheard of to get a ticket for 5 kmph (3 mph) over the limit). If you got two speeding tickets, presumably at speeds for which speeding tickets are issued, then you are a bigger risk to your insurance company than someone who didn't.

Oh Ken, one more example. My last traffic violation happened in 97. I was on fwy 5 going 65 in my ex-mini-van and got stopped. Apparently, that stretch in City of Commerce has 55 mile limit. He was "nice enough" to give me a ticket of going 60. And that's 5 miles over the speed limit.

It does happen, Ken.

Sorry to hear your Ordeal, Mark! Don't you just feel violated? It makes me want to move back to Montana.
nsxtasy said:
You know as well as I do that it's almost unheard of to get a ticket for 5 kmph (3 mph) over the limit). If you got two speeding tickets, presumably at speeds for which speeding tickets are issued, then you are a bigger risk to your insurance company than someone who didn't.

Originally posted by SilverOne
91x rolled through the stop sign, around here in CA, folks call it the "California Roll"

Just like with speeding tickets, it's almost unheard of to get a ticket for blowing a stop sign at 3 mph - and he almost certainly blew the stop sign by going at least 20 mph, maybe more. In other words, HE BLEW THE STOP SIGN. If you don't want to get a ticket for blowing a stop sign, then don't do it in the first place. (Or do it at 3 mph.)

As extensive as your knowledge of all things automotive never ceases to amaze me, i am somewhat surprised of your lack of knowledge about this (you're from IL, so its not that big a deal)

Here in CA we have an automotive term called a "California Stop" Essentially all it means is to come up to a turn, slow down to a very slow speed(<5mph). typically its just a really slow roll through when there are no other cars at the intersection and you dont wanna go through the whole clutch in, stop, throttle, let out clutch and start moving again, etc.

Unfortunately, the occasional officer having a bad day (or in our case with the nsx, the arrogant jealous one) can write you a ticket for it, and all the insurance company sees is that you blew a stop sign, which when read black and white looks like quite the offense (as alot here have seen)

In the case with the full on blown stop signs, sure, raise their insurance and throw some serious points their way, because driving with my mom in the mustang i almost got nailed at a 4 way buy a geezer doing 50 mph.
I'd be hard pressed to compare an nsx rolling through a stop sign at 2 mph equally as dangerous in an actuarial sense.

People talk about how much they hate insurance companies, but really i have a deep respect for the work they do (degrees in business, math, and computer science is tough enough, forget about the super-tests they have to pass)
Really they are doing their job, measuring the risk of every driver and charging them slightly above the expected rate of return. An Actuary can pull up your zip code and probably tell you the odds you're gonna wreck in an earthquake. its nuts

Now then there's the whole men pay a higher premium than women on principle. dont even get me started there
I have to join CDub to bully Ken too

My mom also drives like snail, (She fit right in witht the Asian lady sterotype) yes, any incomplete stops at stop sign will ensure you get the ticket... even the fact that your front wheels are over the line. (very rare, but I had friends got a ticket for that.)

It's a different life in the WEST SIDE!!!
CDub said:

Sorry to hear your Ordeal, Mark! Don't you just feel violated? It makes me want to move back to Montana.
Actually, i heard in yet another instance of beaurocracy stupidity that even though that "speed while prudent" law generated far less accidents, they reinstated speed limits anyway(which in fact led to more accidents)
are you talking about montana??

I heard that while accident rate went down... Fatality numbers on highway went up... I don't have the true numbers on my hand nor I can make that judgement...

But I'm sure the Government is viewing at whichever point that sounds bad enough to the legislator and voters... which in the name of it they can generate more income.