80 mph over.

24 March 2001
Neenah, Wi
Way to go bud kickin it down in the Subie.
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Reckless driving is a Misdemeanor (jailable offense)....but as far as I know speeding is a petty misdemeanor regardless of speed.(At least in MN) So, technically he could have gone to jail....but why should tax payers spend $100 to keep this guy in jail for a night, then release and fine him the next day.....

That must have been a fun ride at 145. I've hit 135 in my NSX, but I'll wait for track day to push it any further. :smile:
"i couldn't catch you!"... "no shit, officer."

loNfastNSX said:
I thought that if you got clocked over 100 that you went straight to jail. Maybe thats just here in Houston.

hmmm... No, it's in Austin too... :mad:
dave22 said:
Well it was "early New Years Day"... who knew there would be cops out trying to catch people? :rolleyes:

For any of you who have driven from Chicago to Milwaukee, this is one of the most heavily patrolled areas by the good ole Wis State Troopers. I NEVER go above 9 over from the border to Menomonee Falls due to the cops on that stretch. Back when I was in my mid 20's, there was a night drag event in Milwaukee, and 5 of us left Milwaukee all with Integra GSR's and drove between 100mph and 150mph for about 90 miles at 1am going north! Now that was fun. :biggrin:
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NSX 3.0 said:
Londre said he was aware of many tickets issued to people for exceeding 120 mph, but he had not previously heard of anyone reaching 145 mph.
I guess he never heard of Daemond Rogan:


CHICAGO (AP) When Officer Maurice Burks' radar gun registered 160 mph, his first reaction was disbelief. But a quick check of the device revealed that it was working properly and that it was time to hustle after a speeding motorcyclist.

Burks stopped Daemond Rogan, 32, on Wednesday and ticketed him for speeding in a 40 mph zone, which carries a $300 to $500 fine.

Burks at first chased the motorcyclist along Chicago's Lake Shore Drive but could not keep up. But Rogan doubled back and got stopped on Michigan Avenue, police said.

After double-checking the radar gun to ensure that it was working properly, police contacted a Honda motorcycle dealership to find out if the 1999 CBR 600F4 model Rogan was driving was really that fast. Police said they were told the top speed for that bike is 165 mph.

"It seems almost unbelievable," Traffic Unit Cmdr. David Dougherty said. "The officers, who have been in the radar unit for 20 years-plus, say this is the fastest speed they can recall."

Rogan, who was wearing a helmet, was also cited for running a red light and weaving.

T Bell said:
For any of you who have driven from Chicago to Milwaukee, this is one of the most heavily patrolled are by the good ole Wis State Troopers.
True. But the flow of traffic moves. Cars in the left lane are typically travelling 80-83 mph. Maybe someone told him you could go 80 mph and he thought they said 80 mph over... :D
yeap, I travel to Milwaukee alot and there are a lot a cops hiding on overpath bridges or on the exit/on ramps on I-94....I recieved 2 tickets on that road:frown: ...if you wanna speed, the best part to speed is right by the border toll going to gurnee mills exit(south) or the other way around to the first curve or bridge(north)....done numerous 150+mph runs there :cool: :biggrin:
xxx said:
What track do you attend that allows you to push past 135mph? :confused:

I believe there are a number of tracks where you can push your car like that. I have yet to hit one, but I hope to find one this spring. Thanks for the link NSX 3.0
145 - Child's Play

Try 163
So you exceed the speed by 80mph and all you get is $1000 of fines? No suspension of license, confiscation of car, or loss of 'license points'?

Here down under, if all we got was a $$ fine in the mail, I'd be doubling the speed limit pretty much all the time :biggrin:

- Andrew
Andys said:
So you exceed the speed by 80mph and all you get is $1000 of fines? No suspension of license, confiscation of car, or loss of 'license points'?
Just because anything else was not stated in the article, does not mean that there were no other consequences. In Wisconsin, where this occurred, convictions for speeding of 20+ mph over and for reckless driving each carry 6 points, and the resulting 12 points result in a suspension for at least two months. At the time of the article, the citations had just been issued and not yet adjudicated, which is why those additional ramifications would not have been stated at that time.

I can also assure you that you can negotiate lesser penalties if you get caught with ten of your friends... :D
nsxtasy said:
convictions for speeding of 20+ mph over and for reckless driving each carry 6 points, and the resulting 12 points result in a suspension for at least two months.

Fair enough. Here in Sydney, if you're doing more than 130km/h (80 mph) under any circumstances, you get an license suspension regardless of whether you've run out of points or not :frown:
Andys said:
Fair enough. Here in Sydney, if you're doing more than 130km/h (80 mph) under any circumstances, you get an license suspension regardless of whether you've run out of points or not :frown:

if my memory serves me right, you guys have a point system, but the insurance companies will not use that against you?? Our Government is so weak that they need a blood sucking insurance industry to keep us outlaws driving under speed limit. :biggrin:
top speed or police pulled you over?

Meeyatch1 said:
155 mph here......do not ask. ;)

hmmm... Is this your top speed ever in a car OR what you got a ticket/citation for? Big, BIG difference between the two situations! :confused:
Re: top speed or police pulled you over?

Osiris_x11 said:
hmmm... Is this your top speed ever in a car OR what you got a ticket/citation for? Big, BIG difference between the two situations! :confused:

Pulled over....no ticket. My fastest speed ever that I have driven was about 180 mph. :smile:
Re: top speed or police pulled you over?

Meeyatch1 said:
Pulled over....no ticket. My fastest speed ever that I have driven was about 180 mph. :smile:

I've touched 173mph on my 2003 R1 once(never doing it again, too crazy)....and probably close to 170mph on my fully built no rev-limiter DSM(which surpassed the the speed odometer :biggrin: )
as the recipient of a 134 in a 65 on I-94 (about 10 years ago as a college kid in my M3 on the way to Northern Wis). I can personally tell you it's more like $5000! Since that day I try to take it easy when I'm in the dairy state. :)
125 coming from Monterey heading to LA.
My fine was larger then the Guy that was arrested for his 3rd DUI. :confused: Of course I was just as dangerous to those that may have gotten in my way. At least I didn't go to jail.
145 on a Motorcycle, I will never do it again.
155 in a SUV, handles like a dream
145 in a 928. My wife was driving, she thought she was looking at the speedo, she was actually looking at the Tach pegging 6900. :eek: