6 years! Also, bonus 72,000 Miles Of Smiles vid

30 January 2005
Sarasota, FL
I'm closing in on my 6th anniversary owning my NSX, and I'm as enamored of this car as I was on day 1. Most every year along the way, I have made a thread in this forum with a couple pictures from the prior year and tales of my adventures. Here's what I did in Year 6. :)

The big adventure this year was a twist on a trip I've made several times before. At the end of September, I left Florida and headed towards my hometown in Kansas to visit my dad and friends. Usually when I make this drive I just get on the highway and set the cruise control and drive until I arrive sometime the next afternoon.

This time, I decided to totally avoid the Interstate Highway system. I drove the back roads through Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas while seeking the curvy roads every chance I got. Instead of 1500 miles of boring, it was 2200 miles of awesome. Took 4 full days, worth every minute!

Biggest surprise was southern Missouri. There are some AWESOME roads running across the whole length of the state. Traffic was light and the locals that I did encounter drove like maniacs, so it was a throughly delightful day!



The CEL came on during the drive home (on the highways) and that turned in to a $1200 repair for a pair of O2 sensors and a valve cover gasket. That was my only significant unexpected car expense for the whole year though, so I'm not complaining. Cheaper than a car payment!

The other highlight of the year would have to the the NSXCapades in December. We had a full 2 dozen cars and I met lots of nice people. Hope to do that again this year!

There are a zillion pictures from that event over in the Pics Forum, so I'll not repost them here except for an iconic shot that I love a lot.

Anyway, it's been another wonderful year and I'm looking forward to another. This year, probably new upholstery and some other interior work for my car. :)

Check out this video I put together yesterday. I started with over 2000 pictures that I've taken over the 6 years and edited it down to a musical slideshow. Lots of pictures of my car, but also of the many dozens of other NSXs we've come across over that time. If you are in/around Florida, your car is probably in this vid.


A lot of smiles and chuckles in that video... thanks for sharing!
Great video! Hope to make as many fond memories with mine in the years to come. Thanks for sharing!
cool video did you use a mac to create it? it has the Mac look. LOL

I saw myself you can see my shirt but my head was cut off.

great video though.
Thanks everyone! That movie was pretty much all I got done yesterday. Shawn, yes it was done on my Mac laptop using a iPhoto/iTunes/iMovie combination. Sorry about cutting your head off, but it was all about the cars first, me second, and everyone else somewhere after that. :)

Using "Jessica" for the song was a no-brainer for several reasons. It's a nice long instrumental with a good rhythm for this sort of thing and no awkward dead spots in the middle and of course, it's the theme song for Top Gear so that made it a natural. Also quite important, whoever owns the rights to the song allows it to be used on YouTube. Thankful for that!
Congrats from one fellow owners who's actually been in your driver seat for a few nice blips of the throttle! I'll be hitting 5 years in April and echo you're thoughts, I still am giddy just looking at the car.:biggrin:
we can always count on you to help renew our joy in ownership esp us long timers.
Excellent pics. Well done. One more reminder for me as to why after 19 years and 60,000 miles my '92 is still with me. Not driven very much now but I don't think I could sell it even if I had to. Was the 1st "exotic" when purchased new and started the whole "collection/racing sickness" over the years. Fun to see someone else enjoying washing and detailing her. Thanks.
I saw a couple of pictures from when you were here at my house. The driveway with your NSX, my NSX, and the Diablo 6.0 looked pretty cool. I have since sold my white S2000, and miss it often. :(

You always have an open room here if you are back around the way of Indiana again. I know that you are getting a lot more use out of your NSX than I am out of mine. It is holding down garage space since the snow keeps the roads covered in crap constantly. Grrr. I want to move somewhere warm.
Great video - enjoyed all the pics - makes me want to get out and wash my car! Which by the way it needs - its just a bit dusty. Lots of fun down there in Florida. Love seeing the spanish moss. Glad you enjoy your car so much - that's what they're made for. Thanks for sharing...
Great video - enjoyed all the pics - makes me want to get out and wash my car! Which by the way it needs - its just a bit dusty. Lots of fun down there in Florida. Love seeing the spanish moss. Glad you enjoy your car so much - that's what they're made for. Thanks for sharing...

I had no idea I would drive my car so much when I got it. I thought to myself that I would only drive on perfect days. So far, I have enjoyed the car in the rain, got caught in the snow (no salt), and love the fact I don't baby it too much.

I got pulled over the other day and the cop said kudos for having a dirty car. Said its a shame more people dont really drive the car. gave me a warning.

When the world seems like crap, and bad stuff happens I just go to the garage and look at my X, and before I know it I'm smiling with the top off even though its 45 degrees outside.

As a side note, with the windows up and the heater on full blast you can actually keep warm at 45 degrees F!!!!

Anyway, Looking forward to better weather... but no longer afraid of rain.. its a car and deserves to be driven.
