I'm about to remove my transmission to do the NSX-R 4.2 diff gear upgrade to my 6 speed.
I have a 5 speed diff ready but was curious,
Does the 4.2 diff gear actually not fit the 6 speed diff?
I see the part numbers are different for the OEM 4.06 diff gear for the 5 speed & the 6 speed but one of the diff covers is the same for both transmissions, indicating the the diff gear must have the same bolt pattern.
Is it the internal LSD teeth/gears different? I don't have the 5 speed diff gear to compare.
If someone could clarify that would be appreciated.
I'm about to remove my transmission to do the NSX-R 4.2 diff gear upgrade to my 6 speed.
I have a 5 speed diff ready but was curious,
Does the 4.2 diff gear actually not fit the 6 speed diff?
I see the part numbers are different for the OEM 4.06 diff gear for the 5 speed & the 6 speed but one of the diff covers is the same for both transmissions, indicating the the diff gear must have the same bolt pattern.
Is it the internal LSD teeth/gears different? I don't have the 5 speed diff gear to compare.
If someone could clarify that would be appreciated.