6.5" or 7" lcd monitor

28 May 2000
Hong Kong
Hi guys....

I'm looking for a good quality lcd monitor in either 6.5" or 7". Something similar to the Alpine TME-M760 but not as pricey, any recommendation? I'll even settle for a good condition used one :)


My pesonal advice is to audition any monitor you are planning to use especially at the viewing angle you will be looking from. Reason being is many of the cheaper monitors have very poor off axis viewing and the LCD display gets very dim and angles. They look good straight on, but look like crap from the sides like how you would view if from the drivers seat. Alpine monitors in my experience has some of the best off axis viewing. I used the M760 and also now use the newere M770 touch screen and they have great off axis viewing. Anway, that is just something to keep in mind.

If you are willing to go for a used one I suggest ebay. Yes, it could be a risk, but I bought many A/V stuff off ebay including all my Alpine monitors and have had success so far (Knock on wood). The prices are nearly unbeatable and you can get the M760 for about $275 and the touch screen M770 for about $400 or less sometimes. If you don't need a reverse camera input, you can opt for the M710 which has 1 less A/V inpout as the M770, does not have reverse camera input, but still has touch screen I believe. Cost is under $300 new on ebau prices I think.
Well, all I can say is ebay is a risk. You have to weigh the risk reward. The risk is you can get ripped off. The reward is you can often get great stuff for really cheap. I've been doing it for along time and fortunately I've never been outrightly ripped off and had great success. One time though an Apline in dash CD player was damaged in shipping and we had no insurance so I simply lost out. Over all though I made out with the deals I've gotten. Now, I don't know how long my luck with hold out. The only thing you can really do is look at their feedback, see what others have to say about him. Send him an email and ask him questions and see how quickly and how he reposnds so you can get a feel for him. Other than that there is no garantee. The monitor model number itself though will work as that is the one I used.

I'd recommend the M770 over the M760 for the simple fact that the screen is more centered if used in the nav pod, and the buttons are below instead of on the right side. You can find pictures of each monitor installed in this section.
I contemplated swapping to the M770 in the NSX because I also use two of the new touch screen M770s in my RX330. One thing to remember is the M770 has one less A/V input. So, if you need the extra input the M760 still might be worth while. Also, one reason why I kind of like the M760 in the nav pod is because it is not touch screen and the buttons are all right there for easy access. With the M770, to switch inputs you have to touch the screen to activate the menu, touch teh Source icon, than touch whichever AUX input you want. I guess it just depends on how you are planning to use the screen. For me, I had a reverse camera, so sometimes I just switched it directly to AUX3 so I could view what is behind me all the time while driving. I know it is illegal whatever. I wanted to retain the ability to switch inputs with 1 touch of the button. However, the M770 does look alot more appealing cosmetically though :smile: