6/3/07 The 6th Annual Offsie Walk 4 Hope

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Let's all get together and come out and support this great cause for a great friend of ours. Last year we had a fair turnout, this year let's have a huge turnout. It's a 4 mile walk/fun run and is in Edison NJ. Go to the website at
www.walkforhope.org/edison to register!!!
Make sure that you join "Team NSXCA"
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The Don has formed Team NSXCA, so if you go the the website link in my OP plug in the team name, sign up and show up, c'mon everyone lets beat last year's turnout, if my memory serves me well, Alan guarantees good weather for this event!!!!:cool:
Your money is greatly appreciated :biggrin: and you will definitely be missed by me the kids and the rest of the crew :frown:
Oh well, one less parking spot I have to block. I only hope that whatever event you are attending is for fun and not for business :smile:
Thank you for your love and support :cool:

CMON Guys we need to get some additional members signed up for this event ! It would be great to see a large representation of NSXers at the walk and it's for a GREAT cause to find a cure for BREAST CANCER :smile:
I cant make it but Im happy to donate. Someone please PM ME an address to send the check too.:wink:
Bump, c'mon NE, this is a great reason to come out and get some exercise, donate some tax deductible $$$$, park in a safe reserved lot, get some good food, and afterwards, we can all go for a drive to Alan's new house and help him unpack some boxes!!!!!!
Bump, c'mon NE, this is a great reason to come out and get some exercise, donate some tax deductible $$$$, park in a safe reserved lot, get some good food, and afterwards, we can all go for a drive to Alan's new house and help him unpack some boxes!!!!!!

Sorry to dissapoint you Roger but instead of unpacking you're going to be "packing" boxes :tongue: Not moving till the end of June

Everyone is welcome and it IS for a GREAT cause if you don't have time to sign up on line (cmon you're on line reading this aren't you just a few more keystrokes and you can register for TEAM NSXCA) you can still sign up at the event.

Please join us ! The Walk is both FUN and REWARDING and I would love to see the rest of the NE family supporting this event :cool:

By the way did I mention free food , t-shirts and the weather is always good :smile:
Hi Alan & All;

Im in and sign in for the 2 Mile Walk for Sr Walkers.. I will be the Big 65 on
5/19 - If I knew I was going to live to be this old - I would have taken better
care of myself.. Ha Ha!

Regards & Good Weather - Clem:cool:
C'mon you guys, (and gals too) Great cause, great company, guaranteed great weather, food, shirts, what more do you want, a tax deduction, ok you got that too, c'mon and join us!!!!!!
Finally just got around to registering as a "Virtual walker". I forgot to register under Team NSXCA, but im signed up. Wish I could be there for such a good cause.
C'mon you guys, (and gals too) Great cause, great company, guaranteed great weather, food, shirts, what more do you want, a tax deduction, ok you got that too, c'mon and join us!!!!!!

All next weekend is the walk ! As you can see the Northeast Weather is looking great lately and it will be a fantastic day to run your NSX down/up to Edison for some fun, food, exercise and as Roger said a TAX DEDUCTION

I hope more of you can join us for the event. If you are signing up and coming please respond to this post or PM me to let me know since we are holding parking spaces specifically for the NSXers

Thanks to all who are coming or have contributed and I am looking forward to another successful event !

See you all next Sunday June 3rd
Hi Alan;

Ive already said it; But I will say it again Clem & Arrest Me Red Racer willbe
There - save me a parking space.. Cant wait for the 2 mile shin dig. Or you
trip & fall would that be a chin dig?? oh well its going to be a great day for a
great cause..
Roger are we meeting up in w.Chester Corprate?? and what time.

Regards Clem:smile:
I'll be there with the Old Bird

OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh, so many possible "retorts", such restraint!!!!!!!!!
Clem, I've got to figure out the time to meet so you can be late!!!!!:biggrin:
Parking at the JCC in Edison

I have arranged a designated parking space for those attending the WALK in their NSX's (and or TBird:tongue: ) Please make sure you arrive by 8:30 on Sunday because shortly after that time the police will be blocking the street entrance to the event. If you have any issues please call me on my cell and if you do not have my cell please send me a PM and I will provide it :smile:

We have over 900 walkers signed up at this time and are anticipating over 2000 on the day of the event :cool:

Bring your sunscreen and your smiles since as always we are anticipating a sunny warm day for the event

We will be taking pictures of TEAM NSXCA at the event

I wanted to tell you all in advance how much my kids and I appreciate your participation and I hope that NEXT YEAR we can get more of the NSX NE community to attend

If there are any late additions please post here or send me a PM and I will add your car to the list attending the event
Corporate Park Caravan will leave Westchester at 7:05am for Edison NJ, if you're not there hit me up either on the cell or club radio. Don't be late and be ready to fend off the sun as usual, a sunny rain free day is guaranteed by Alan!!!
Please let me know if you're going to meet me by posting on this thread and/or PM me with your cell