4th grade school teacher takes on obama

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15 March 2006
She's got guts! I know she speaks the minds of millions!

(and she's not afraid to take credit for it either!!)
She left her name and phone number at the end!
This letter you are about to read was written by a 4th grade teacher this past week. She even gave the world her telephone and fax numbers. We are in dire need of more true American citizens who are proud of OUR United States of America . WAKE UP AMERICA . . . please . . . before it is too late!

April 27, 2009

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington , DC 20500

Mr. Obama:

I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally.

You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the United States.

You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth. I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First World War and the Second World War were all about if not the consideration of the peoples of Europe? Are you brain dead? What do you think the Marshall Plan was all about?

Do you not understand or know the history of the 20th century? Where do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States? This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly from this heritage. Do you not understand this?

Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the king of Saudi Arabia. You don't show Great Britain, our best and one of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia. How dare you, sir! How dare you!

You can't find the time to visit the graves of our greatest generation because you don't want to offend the Germans but make time to visit a mosque in Turkey. You offended our dead and every veteran when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the German people from themselves. What's the matter with you?

I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you. You are so self-righteously offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I seriously doubt it.

What about the U.S. House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses to their staff members -- on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my employer.

You haven't said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely didn't! Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that's $45 million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie executives have already been awarded $51 million; not a bad take. Who authorized that and why haven't you expressed your outrage at this group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right now.

I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.


Every Real American

P.S. I rarely ask that emails be 'passed around'.............PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR EMAIL LIST........it's past time for all Americans to wake up!

Ms Kathleen Lyday

Fourth Grade Teacher

Grandview Elementary School

11470 Hwy. C

Hillsboro , MO 63050

(636) 944-3291 (636) 944-3291 Phone

(636) 944-3870 Fax
wow... wish i had her as my grade 4 teacher... i would have probably flunked on purpose to stay back a few years lol. But if you ask me, just like the bank system designed there with the Federal Reserve Bank, there will never be satisfied citizens with how the country is run because of the way the system is set up. In this case, who ever will be president will always take advantage of their position and not for the benefit of everyone but themselves.
Hmm, written in April, a whole three months into the Obama presidency. Well, at least the author gave him a chance :rolleyes:
Most of the letters will be screened prior they reach the president. I wonder this letter made it to Mr. president?
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Hmm, written in April, a whole three months into the Obama presidency. Well, at least the author gave him a chance :rolleyes:

Thats all the Nobel committee needed :rolleyes:
America is not a Christian country. We have no official religion. Not only that but we have official treaties that bluntly state this fact (from the late 1700).

She has an opinion and she should state it, but don't think that a majority of people feel the way that she does. Obama if he ran today would still get elected. Along as the economy doesn't fall on it face or another T attack.... he will have a second term. The margin may be closer but he will still win.
America is not a Christian country. We have no official religion. Not only that but we have official treaties that bluntly state this fact (from the late 1700).

She has an opinion and she should state it, but don't think that a majority of people feel the way that she does. Obama if he ran today would still get elected. Along as the economy doesn't fall on it face or another T attack.... he will have a second term. The margin may be closer but he will still win.

I hope we don't have to put up with a 2nd term of this president and his incompetent congress! From looking at his poll numbers, you are incorrect that he would be elected today.

The bottom line is if America would elect him again they would get more of what they deserve.

I guess if I promise all the people who are too lazy to work a free ride I might be able to get elected also.

You do realize that the people who are paying the majority of the taxes will get fed up and won't keep paying forever!

I am stocking up on guns and bullets, when the shit hits the fan come over to my house!
At least he's doing something to get the US out of it's current position

Love to hear this or hate it. The US reputation internationally has taken a huge dump after what happened in Iraq. Right now, it's no better than any other great nation before it who used its power to abuse others in this world.

People had a false hope of the world growing up and stopping wars, progressing towards world piece. Until the US smashed this dream.

I don't know about everything Obama does. But at least he's not a blood thirsty man with too much power and idiots following him.
At least he's doing something to get the US out of it's current position

Love to hear this or hate it. The US reputation internationally has taken a huge dump after what happened in Iraq. Right now, it's no better than any other great nation before it who used its power to abuse others in this world.

People had a false hope of the world growing up and stopping wars, progressing towards world piece. Until the US smashed this dream.

I don't know about everything Obama does. But at least he's not a blood thirsty man with too much power and idiots following him.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid!
Keep drinking the Kool Aid!

I'm not an Obama fan. I was upset when he won the Noble prize. But then again, the peace prize has always had questionable winners.

I'm just relieved the idiot before him is gone and I love seeing anything that can be counted as progress towards peace even if it isn't that much progress.
i don't know about everything obama does. But at least he's not a blood thirsty man with too much power and idiots following him.

I'm not an Obama fan. I was upset when he won the Noble prize. But then again, the peace prize has always had questionable winners.

I'm just relieved the idiot before him is gone and I love seeing anything that can be counted as progress towards peace even if it isn't that much progress.

And what progress is this? Last I counted, not that many troops have been brought home. :rolleyes:
Keep drinking the Kool Aid!

Ditto. It's amazing that a good portion, if not the majority of NSX members (middle class -> middle class+) here have been f*d and will continue to be f*d yet some take the Kool-Aid.

Look @ your bank account, assets, employment& business security as well as employment and busienss outlook potential and compare that two to three years ago. If they're not down at least 25% if not 30%-50% as many, you are doing well (and I know some very smart people here are doing really well..)

Although you may not realize it now, there is a big component to the way things have been handeled in the last two years. If thing stay nearly the same for another two years, will you truly be saying "yeah, it was Bushs' fault!?!?"

Rather than focusing on the economy & jobs (unless you coult the $600K / job that hte 'stimulus' saved/created [mostly via 'govt union' jobs]" we focus on what should be a low priority.

In two years, I fully expect things to be better, and if it's not, I predict a straight out revolt and a licking of the current administration and much of the Democratic Congress like no other.

I understand people were upset about the Iraq war, but when the rest of the KoolAid drinkers finally hits them that they've been screwed not just by 'chance' but by govt. policies, they'll come around. I HOPE it doesn't get to this. I'd much rather see a solid recovery, low unemployment, upbeat outlook, lower cost of living etc... even at the 'cost' of an Obama re-election, but I wouldn't be on it.

..and don't get me started on the Afghanistan war... pulling out of Afghanistan and losing that war will create another North Korea but ran by OBL or worse. What is it about America that believes the "quickest way to end a war is to lose one"?
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