458 vs Tree

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA

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Airbags work.
<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Left turn signal works. Rear emergency lights work. Rest of it will probably buff out. Don't you hate it when trees jump out in from of you?
Don't you hate it when trees jump out in from of you?

Don't laugh, but a tree did jumped out in front of my wife's car before. A car traveling in the opposite direction as my wife hydroplaned into a tree in the center divide and snapped the tree trunk (about 4 in. diameter); hence the tree shot out in front of my wife's car. Luckily it was a fast tree and my wife missed the tree.
Don't laugh, but a tree did jumped out in front of my wife's car before. A car traveling in the opposite direction as my wife hydroplaned into a tree in the center divide and snapped the tree trunk (about 4 in. diameter); hence the tree shot out in front of my wife's car. Luckily it was a fast tree and my wife missed the tree.

Glad she had an encounter with one of those fast moving trees Alan. Could have been worse and mixed it up with one of those slow moving oleander bushes.
A couple of days ago I was riding in a vehicle and when we came around a sharp bend there was a tree that had broken off and was right at the level of the windshield. I'm happy the driver was paying attention and that we had good brakes.

Too bad for the 458
Looks to me like he got what he desrved.

High speed runs on a narrow tree lined street? Idiot.
About a month ago, I was out on a night canoe trip on the Harpeth river here in Nashville, TN.

We were 'parked' on a shoal, had a fire going, fishing, etc. Heard this rush/cracking sound, couldn't really tell where it was coming from until this enormous tree crashed down into the water about 100 feet from where we were sitting. Definitely a fast moving tree. Really shook us up.

We had some serious flooding in early spring, and the banks suffered some erosion. It was his time to go. Luckily not ours.
If it was me driving that, I would have taken it to the freeway.

And by "freeway" you mean that long stretch of closed road in the Mojave that you like to race on, right? :rolleyes:
It's simple if you have a car that can trap near or above 120 ..... you must be careful with the throttle esp in the lower gears and in curves and turns. It's not a on off switch.
Plus all the mags state the 458 has extremely quick steering. Of course the writers make excuses for it while they tell you normal steering inputs can cause you to wreck.