4 minute phone call

it's all good...

hmmm, not to be a monday morning quarterback... but it was mentioned for you to use a pre-paid calling card which comes in increments of $5 (+20minutes), $10 (+50minutes), available at ethnic grocers/convenience stores (to call a certain SouthAsian sub-continent country).

If you have any assertiveness and/or charm, you can get that amount credited from your long-distance provider stating that said they charge 'this amount ', so...blah-bhah-blah.
had one

I had a international calling card in hand at the time. I initially got thru using it but after having them hang up on me I tried in vain for another 1 1/2 hrs without success. I then dialed direct and got thru the first time.
It is a 1200 min card but due to the # and location I was calling, I was only getting 56 min use of it. Everytime I tried to call with it the time was being taken away without getting anywhere. :(
I do too. I was actually expecting it to be a lot worse than that. I will probably just pay it and not worry.
BUT, if it had been like a car payment or something...:eek:
That would've been a different story.:D