4-eyes People

6 September 2002
Northern VA
Today I got my first pair of eye glasses and becoming a member of the four eyes community. :D When I put it on, I get dizzy....a feeling of "going to throw up"!!! I asked my doctor and she said it will take a couple of weeks to adjust. If that is the case, I have a pekingese that I may give it to....hahaha. I don't want to feel dizzy for two weeks:eek: Suggestion.....por favor!!! Should I keep or should I toss? or should I head for Lasik?
i used to have glasses but then i got contacts......which were fine and then i got lasik. it is great
Ask them to recheck your presciption against the lenses. Also, if you are looking through the wrong part of the lens it may throw you off. When I got my last pair of glasses, they just bothered me, although I did not know what was wrong. My vision seemed fine, but my eyes tired quickly. They moved the center of vision in the lens by 2mm and all became right with the world. Glasses are a pain.
IMO - Get contacts or Laser Surgery and dump the glasses!!!!
Sorry, can't remember how I felt when I got my first pair of glasses since it was so long ago. That was in 1976. :D

If you do go with Lasik, definitely ask around for specific recommendations for doctors. I wouldn't go into one cold, based on the price of an ad. You're talking about your eyes.
FuryNSX said:
Sorry, can't remember how I felt when I got my first pair of glasses since it was so long ago. That was in 1976. :D

If you do go with Lasik, definitely ask around for specific recommendations for doctors. I wouldn't go into one cold, based on the price of an ad. You're talking about your eyes.
There is suppose to be a great Laser Dr. in Newport Beach. If you wnat I can get the name for you.
I had Lasik done about a year ago, one of the best decisions I have made. I had worn glasses/contacts since high school. Now I can wake up in the middle of the night and see the clock.
PoohBEAR said:
bifocal? Is that one of those feature so that you can look twice? :D sorry, but what is that?

It's when they make the glasses with two different prescriptions. Meaning: the bottom of the lens is made for reading and the rest of the lens for ditance vision. Many new glasses are made without a distinct line in between the two different types of lenses, but they "fade" one into the other.

I thought maybe there was an outside chance that you got these and might be harder to get used to.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I see said the blindman. as far as I know, it has one lens....no bottom..no top...just one. I guess I'll use it for alittle while and see if I can use to it. If not, I'll give it to my peckingese or donate it. :D

thanks everyone...................for your input.

hlweyl said:
It's when they make the glasses with two different prescriptions. Meaning: the bottom of the lens is made for reading and the rest of the lens for ditance vision. Many new glasses are made without a distinct line in between the two different types of lenses, but they "fade" one into the other.

I thought maybe there was an outside chance that you got these and might be harder to get used to.
Misleading topic!

I thought you were talking about one of these. :D

instantly feel drunk.jpg
Man, that picture just freaks me right out.

On the topic, however, when I first got my glasses I had the same problem, it was like the ground appeared to be closer than it was. It was sort of like that feeling when you miss the last stair heading down, the anticipation of something being there, and yet, it's not.

Took about 4-5 days of wearing them all the time to get used to it, then all was good. That was about the most I have ever worn my glasses in since I got my first pair about 6 years ago :D
First glasses

I got my first glasses about 4 years ago. I had the experince of the ground not being where I thought it would be, tripping on curbs, etc. They also made me a little queezy and dizzy from motion. I had them readjusted to fit my face better and center the lenses over my eyes which helped alot with both issues. Time also helped me to get used to the weird periferal vision thing.

I do have a couple pairs of glasses which I trade off during the day, really seems to help with the eye and nose strain.

On Lasik surgery, the only doctor I have talked to about it was wearing glasses. He said he could not risk his eyesight! I think I will get contacts next.
About three years ago, my optometrist of ten years brought up the idea of Lasik for me, noting that he was gonna have his done. I saw him the next year for my annual checkup, and he was wearing glasses still. He mentioned that he had given it a shot, with less than stellar results. He recommended I hold off a few more years.

I'm in no rush to screw with my eyes right now.

Lasik, no regrets!