300HP Electric Car....Very Cool VID!

Hmmm cool but not quite there. The 200 mile range then have to charge it for 3-4 hours before having to take off again. Plus it looks more cramped than an elise!! I can barely fit in an elise without feeling claustrophobic. I guess you can afford to be skinny when you are rich enuff to own a 300k car. :biggrin:

200mile range is fantastic! more than enough for the daily commute to and from work every day!

ONLY 105 mph top speed.... Who cares where are you going to do that in the commute to and from work every day anyway?

GBP 300,000 though :eek: We need to find a way to mass produce these so that the price can be brought down to about USD$30,000 and $10,000 within 2 years!!!

Government subsidies for environmental credits I reckon!
NSXrunner said:
Hmmm cool but not quite there. The 200 mile range then have to charge it for 3-4 hours before having to take off again. Plus it looks more cramped than an elise!! I can barely fit in an elise without feeling claustrophobic. I guess you can afford to be skinny when you are rich enuff to own a 300k car. :biggrin:

That was 300K Pounds which means it would be about be $525,254.97 in todays market:eek:
Damn I forgot to carry the 1 lol...sheesh 500K US??!! :eek: For that amount of money....burn the rainforest and get me an F car, and a Lambo to sit next to my nsx in the garage. :biggrin:
NSXrunner said:
Damn I forgot to carry the 1 lol...sheesh 500K US??!! :eek: For that amount of money....burn the rainforest and get me an F car, and a Lambo to sit next to my nsx in the garage. :biggrin:

Hey its only a cool 1000 GBP per HP or $1750.85 per HP. Makes you think that the cost of NSX mods per increase HP are cheap/a bargain!