3 NSX's in 12 miles of commute

3 October 2007
Silicon Valley
We saw 2 other NSX's last night while commuting home on Highway 85 in Silicon Valley. We were tooling down the carpool lane and we saw 2 other NSX's -- another black one and then a yellow one about a mile further down the highway. Pet looked at me and said something like "I thought you said that these are rare. Now that we own one, I see them everywhere". I knew what she meant. We both laughed.
There are lots of NSXs out that way. Seeing them when the weather is good during the winter is common as people are getting in "one last" drive before the weather turns. I used to see quite a few when I lived there as well.
In my country, there is no winter so I'm just wondering when you guys say about not driving NSX in winter.

The NSX can't be driven in winter? shouldn't be driven? or just for the good of the car?

Thank you
In my country, there is no winter so I'm just wondering when you guys say about not driving NSX in winter.

The NSX can't be driven in winter? shouldn't be driven? or just for the good of the car?

Thank you

When the snow and ice is on the ground, traffic accidents go up exponentially, it's too hard to get an NSX body repaired to take that risk. Also around here the snow would be too deep, you'd be a snow plow.
Good point about snow and accidents. Living in the midwest, you'd think people would learn/get used to driving in the snow. They never seem to. Best to leave your aluminum bodied car in the garage for at least 3+ months.:wink:
Snow causes huge risk w/ the NSX on the road, though here in CA, the major concern is rain..yeah, plain water. Get some rain on the roads out here and all of a sudden people start driving like they are using slicks on an frozen lake.
We saw 2 other NSX's last night while commuting home on Highway 85 in Silicon Valley. We were tooling down the carpool lane and we saw 2 other NSX's -- another black one and then a yellow one about a mile further down the highway. Pet looked at me and said something like "I thought you said that these are rare. Now that we own one, I see them everywhere". I knew what she meant. We both laughed.

The yellow NSX is very likely to be Brian's (bnesse). He commutes on Hwy 85.
It's very rare in my area to see an NSX, eventhough the majority of the people around here have money, they all mostly have vettes, beemers, or porsches, I've only seen 1 NSX around here other than mine in the past 3 years.
What part of the country are you in?

I lived in Thailand in South East Asia but now I'm studying in Long Beach, CA.
Love it here tho. Looking for a NSX here. The last one I deposited my money on, turned out that the owner changed his mind. :frown: