Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!


4 September 2005
Vancouver, BC

Paid for the exhaust in the first week of April. $590. Later found out that I can't use the exhaust with my turbo kit so I've asked Alex aka 2fastxeg to hold onto the exhaust while I try to sell the exhaust. So I found a buyer and he paid me for the exhaust. The buyer was to arrange with Alex to pick up the exhaust. The buyer had a tough time arranging the pick up and requested a refund, so I did that and told Alex to ship me the exhaust instead.

Well, he finally shipped it out on April 27th. Or so he claims. He only answers me through text messaging. He stated that it would take 6-10 days via USPS from California to Washington. I've tried repeatedly to get a tracking / confirmation number from him by texting him every 2-3 days and he would not reply to my messages.

On May 9th I texted him to let him know that I had not received the package as of yet and asked for the confirmation number.

His response was, "Dude, it's 6-10 days not including weekends. Your getting kind of annoying now."

Annoying? All I wanted was a shipping confirmation / tracking info. Obviously I'm going to hound you for it to confirm that it was shipped.

So I told him that I just wanted the confirmation number and that it's not a lot to ask for and asked him why he couldn't give it to me. He said simply because he didn't have one.

So I asked him why couldn't he just state that in the first place. And told him that it is usually on the receipt. I asked him to email me a copy of the receipt. And told him to put himself in my shoes and what if he didn't ship it.

His response was "Shipping confirmation is optional. Trust me, I shipped out the exhaust. Even if I didn't, at this point there's really nothing you can do."

I told him, that's good to know.

I always thought that USPS would have a confirmation number for all packages, and signature for delivery was optional. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I messaged him yesterday again, and still no response. Looks like I'm out $590. I knew that one day I'd get scammed since I buy a lot of things online. But I'd never thought it'd ever happen on Prime. I thought all NSX owners were gentlemen with high regards. Guess you can never be too careful.

Just did a google search on his name. Looks like he has been scamming people for years and he's around 30 years old.