25th Annual Croton Rotary Car Show

I'll be showing my car at this venue on that date:
Roger, Sorry you couldn't make NSXPO. We'll be going to this Croton gig early and then may swing by to see you at the Scarsdale show a little later. We know winter is right around the corner and can't get enough of these outings. Dave S. may also meet up with us in his spa yellow.
Roger, Sorry you couldn't make NSXPO. We'll be going to this Croton gig early and then may swing by to see you at the Scarsdale show a little later. We know winter is right around the corner and can't get enough of these outings. Dave S. may also meet up with us in his spa yellow.
Weather is for "moisture" in the AM, let's hope it clears early!!!!:eek:
I registered for the event as well. I don't think this is a competition but am not sure. It seems more of a charity event. I attended several years ago and parked there but paid a $20 fee but really didn't register, so this time I am going in legit...

See ya there roger.

I registered for the event as well. I don't think this is a competition but am not sure. It seems more of a charity event. I attended several years ago and parked there but paid a $20 fee but really didn't register, so this time I am going in legit...

See ya there roger.

Weather permitting I'll be at the Scarsdale Concours
Good Morning Gentlemen:
Due to the "iffy" weather today, we decided to go directly to the Scarsdale show first because it is closer than Croton, in case we leave early. So, we will see you there early today if the weather holds out. :smile:
Rich B.
Nice seeing Rich, Tytus, Bailey, Dave and RSO, (& Jeanne and Brenda too) the NSX's got a lot of attention, but not from the judges. Ropes can't keep people away from our cars, Bailey even double tiered the ropes, didn't even slow them down!!!!
pics or else I will cry.
Bailey, I'm ashamed of you, there were so much better looking woman than that looking at the car, and that you took a picture of, you're going down in the "hall of shame"!!!!:eek::biggrin:
Re the Scarsdale show. How many years has it been going on? I don't remember there being one when I grew up in Scarsdale. However, since moving away from there almost tweny years ago, I'm sure a lot more has changed.
pics or else I will cry.

Alright doc, ya big crybaby. :frown:

Here is a small sampling of some very nice rare cars in attendance.


A couple of us felt this 1941 Packard was the show stopper!





This was a "gorgeous" Daytona.



And then ....... there is us?


Roger trying to decide if that adjustable spoiler will fit his NSX?


Roger and Tytus trying to figure out how they got this Abarth into the country?


Tytus finishing off the last "smudge", not to be outdone by the twin F-GT's


My Formula Red stuck over by the P-Cars. That was a white RUF behind me


"Very nice wheels, Roger!" And you have good taste in tires. :biggrin:

And Dave S. had to move his beautiful Spa Yellow away from under a big oak tree with an active squirrel working high above! :eek::eek:

Joking aside, it was a beautiful day and fun to be with fellow NSXer's again. :smile:
thanks for the pics Rich!
Firstly, thanks for the pics Rich, Bailey is really a large disappointment. Now a few corrections; I was trying to figure out how they stole Bailey's wing, painted it and put it on the Fiat, as for how they got in into the country, easy, in someone's pocket. As far as Tytus's taking care of the smudge, after you and I pointed out all the wax residue, he was in tears and tried desperately to clean up his act, but the glare off of my car was blinding him!!!:eek:
And Dave S. had to move his beautiful Spa Yellow away from under a big oak tree with an active squirrel working high above! :eek::eek:

Joking aside, it was a beautiful day and fun to be with fellow NSXer's again. :smile:

Does his car have white wheels and a nsx-r wing ... I saw one leaving the show