24 - Jack is back !

4 hours, two nights...can't wait. I'm SO glad I got my HDTV in time for the new season. Unfortunately, my wife wants me to wait and watch it after she comes back from a 8 day long business trip. I don't know how I'll avoid hearing any spoilers if I don't tune in when it airs.

Fortunately we have a HD DVR...
Im so pumped! I haven't missed an episode since it's been on TV. I wonder if Jack's daughter Kim is coming back:biggrin: Elsiha Cuthbert, Mmm, Mmm:wink:
Im much more into Brunette's now:biggrin:

You have seen the light! :biggrin: If Kim is back lets hope the 2nd season haircut doesn't come back too. Yikes. Too bad Michele is gone. She was hawt too.

24 is my fav show. I can't wait for Sun-Mon.
You have seen the light! :biggrin: If Kim is back lets hope the 2nd season haircut doesn't come back too. Yikes. Too bad Michele is gone. She was hawt too.

24 is my fav show. I can't wait for Sun-Mon.

My favorite was Tony. Too bad David Palmer was killed off too....I really don't like his bro though as President. And what happen to President Logan???
Seaon opener was sick, I Tivo'd tonights episode and im so excited. 24 and then directly getting into ROME on HBO. With a 6 pack of Miller Lite of course:biggrin:
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homeland security...
Jack's dad is a bad man. Hows Jack gonna kill him, with another bite to the juggler. That was pretty bad a$$.
What's the history between Jack and Graham's wife? Do you think he smashed her back in the day? Is the kid, Jacks?:confused: :biggrin:
Two hours tonight boys...Prepare for a good night of TV!:cool:
Yeah but I really think that they are dancing around the shark...I mean come on..letting Jacks brother and dad in the same room alone?....and leaving the IV set up but taking all the other stuff away?:confused: ...I hope they can tighten up the story a bit.
Yeah but I really think that they are dancing around the shark...I mean come on..letting Jacks brother and dad in the same room alone?....and leaving the IV set up but taking all the other stuff away?:confused: ...I hope they can tighten up the story a bit.

Second that!
And the dad killing his son with no emotion...even Jack felt bad administering the pain serum to his brother.
Just focus on the jihadist wackos, it's much more believable.
Really excited after 2 years. Go Jack! :biggrin:
i saw it, i thought it was good, although i think jack and his special forces buddy could have killed alot more of those people alot easier, i mean come on!

i cant wait for the season to start!

and i would bet jacks daughter is coming back, there was a mention of her at the beginning of tonights episode
I enjoyed it...certainly establishes a different set of expectations for the next day (which is good since I didn't like the last one). Too bad we have to wait until January for it to begin!
Nice prologue to keep us addicts tuned in to where's Jack been these past 2 years. Funny thing though remember the very first season when they had Senator Palmer running for the nomination for his party as the first African American President? And now Obama? Can Obama do what Palmer did in seasons 2 - 3? But in Obama's case get out of this econmic mess and out of the middle east.........