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You can change that FYI.

I do get a little confused sometimes between what Calendar object is where between my MBP, iPad and iPhone and if it's on iCloud or Exchange and what is where... I haven't missed anything yet but with taking all of the thinking out of the product I am left a little confused on the "5 W's" sometimes.

Back on track, What you're going to see is a vast emergence of enterprises embracing virtual desktop solutions and replacing your work computer with a thin client and people bringing in their iPads, Android Tablets and Personal Laptops to work at no CapEx or Security risk to corporate data.  The company I am employed by is taking amazing strides in changing the way people "compute".

I would LOVE to see point of sale brought right to the device in all restaurants.  I've seen it at a few and I love it, no more handing off your card and having it disappear for 15 minutes.  I know people that have been scammed by this in the past.

As far as the minor changes to devices, I'm not so much worried about those.  The integrated TV would be sort of neato though.
