2012 Northeast Pre-Spring Dinner Photos

28 March 2002
Great seeing everyone last night and although there was a Lambo in our parking lot at least we didn't suffer the indignities of seeing a Ford parked amongst us........

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Sorry Liz and I couldn't make the dinner last night, but watching your ever so talented photography, allowed us to feel like we were there. I especially like the fade of B & W to color. Great job as usual.

Truly outstanding work Bob, and .................. all in a matter of just a few hours!

This is a day and age where many photographers get credited with really much of the work of the equipment and software. You can purchase fine optics, you can use the technology, but your talents stretch far beyond that in your subject matter, artistry, lighting, mood, creativity, etc., etc. Van Morrison may really have been there as well, I don't know?

It was fun seeing everyone last night and Jeanne and I are looking forward to another wonderful season this year. But in addition to last night's social event, to finally cap it off with this lovely little story told through the lens and the mind of an extremely talented person is something special.

Thank you so much.
BOB you are over the top, You have out done it again great shots & awesome music.. Thx Clem & Lori we arrive home at the witching hour of just midnite.. 241 miles round trip.:biggrin::biggrin:
Sorry to leave Rich as the only non-NSX, but had I not been out with another NSX "part owner" last night, and one of Bob's bigger (not size wise) and better clients, I would have taken my NSX to join you all. I did have a great dinner with Josh Offsie last night, along with my daughter, Bob's client, and my nephew. Looks like a great time was had by all, I see that Tony had a better date than last year!!!!:wink:
Bob, great shots, especially mine...when I was doing the invisible man imitation...:rolleyes:


"Damned if you do ........ damned if you don't!":confused:

Looks like he had Joe all confused. :confused:
"Damned if you do ........ damned if you don't!":confused:

Looks like he had Joe all confused. :confused:

Looks more like was Tytus was saying:

"Please, just give me a little more time and I'll have the rest of your money ":biggrin:
I have been off the board for a while, I missed this.....Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...LOL...Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...:biggrin:

Thanks Guys...I needed a good laugh.
