2012 Holiday Dinner has moved.

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
First of all, I would like to wish a healthy, safe and prosperous New Year to all my friends in the NE Region of the NSXCA. :smile:

I would also like to use this opportunity to remind everyone that each year our first club gathering of the new season has been the annual NE region dinner, or better known as Larry B’s winter Holiday Dinner.

In the past, this “Holiday Dinner” was held soon after New Year’s and was hosted by Larry Bastanza. Last year, Larry asked if I could help him find another restaurant located further south near major highways. We decide on Dinallo’s in River Edge, NJ.

That was all well and good .......... but the weather did not cooperate with us and week after week we kept postponing it until it became:

Valentine’s dinner
St. Patrick’s dinner
Ground Hog dinner
etc....etc...etc......you get the idea? :rolleyes:

By the time we held the scheduled dinner event, it was almost Spring!

This year, and from now on, we have replaced the annual Holiday Dinner with the NE Region NSX Pre-season Dinner and it will be held in late March. Same place, Dinallo’s. The food was good and most important, the NSX parking is safe. I offered to host this event for Larry so he could have more time to work on our cars during the cold months.

I will start a thread in the beginning of February ( which should allow enough time for Clem :eek:) titled NE Region’s Pre-season dinner and you will know what it is. At that time, I will begin collecting the money for this March event and start working with Dinallo’s to iron-out some of the small issues from last year.

Thank You.

-Rich B.
Note that if the date slips the same amount it did in the past, this can be a July 4 dinner and those with targa roofs can drive there with the tops off.:biggrin:

Thanks for taking on this task.
If we wait long enough we could start the day with a track event:biggrin:
If we wait long enough we could start the day with a track event:biggrin:

If it is late March I will not be able to attend as that is the first track event of the year at NJMP, unless there is a now storm in which case everything get postponed, again. Let's have a St. Patrick's Day party on the 17th. The guest of honor can be the green NSX...who can attend for free for being green.:biggrin:

Let's have a St. Patrick's Day party on the 17th.


Let's have a St. Patrick's Day party on the 17th.


Sorry to disappoint but ...... no can do. Room is already booked for a SPD party on the 17th and there will be drunks downstairs and in the parking lot puking and peeing on our cars. :biggrin:

Was originally looking at the 24th, however, the 10th may be better. I am talking to the mgr. this weekend and will check if the 10th is available. I'd like to book it when I know the kitchen will not be very busy with the downstairs crowd.

Think I will start a dinner thread next week even though it's early because I probably would need to book the room pretty soon.
So Rich you gonna tease us with just some Italian signature blabble. Tell us about how on earth an 07 gallardo ended up in your driveway:cool:
Tytus, you'll be happy to know, it's an automatic, the two of you can flap around together

Negative! No torque convertor ala automatics. Has an "auto mode" but have yet to find an e-gear enthusiast who uses it. Just flippin' dem paddles and bangin' out those 6 gears.

Clutch and fluids vs. clutch and "slow foot & right arm!" :biggrin:
I am not even going to dignify that comment with a response...Jealous haters:tongue: